Here I talk about accessories that make the miniature painting experience that little bit better. Some of the stuff that I post about include a portable magnifier, lamps to illuminate your painting area, or even simple plastic containers in which to organise your paints and miniatures in. Read more ...
One of the things I do while painting miniatures is listen to music. Although I like music of all genres be it rock, heavy metal, or country, there is one genre that stands tall above all the rest - blues. On occasion, I hope to share my love for the blues or all blues-influenced music with you in my posts. Read more ...

Being a huge fan of the Black Library stuff, I will be highlighting books that I enjoy as well as those that have inspired me to start building W40K armies. Not to be excluded are books from other sci-fi such as Star Trek and some warfare-related historical fiction. Read more ...
Fun Places
Some fun places I have gone to that deal with miniatures one way or the other. Click on the pictures below to see my report on these places.