
Sunday, 26 March 2017

Slaanesh Chaos Chosen [Completed]

Cute wasn't what I was actually aiming for ... heck who am I kidding, it totally was. Sugar, spice, unicorns, rainbows, care bears, you name it. If it was cutesy in any way, it was running through my mind as I settled on a colour scheme to weave such thoughts onto a subject matter that's the very antithesis of all that's good - a servant of Slaanesh. I was in the mood for pastels, and after contemplating the usual suspects like chibi minis I decided on a Chaos Chosen instead.  

Slaanesh Chaos Chosen, eyes devoid of compassion

Of all the four chaos gods, only Tzeentch and Slaanesh had the potential for the kind of pastel colour scheme I wanted to create. And of the two, the former is predominantly blue while the latter is dominated by purples. Both are equally appealing so it was just arbitrary that I painted the Slaanesh Chaos Chosen first. Eventually, I'm sure I will do the Tzeentch one in a similar pastel colour scheme.

Of all Slaanesh's attributes, this Chosen personifies pain the most
A daemon is infused into the Chosen's armour, trying desperately wrest 'soul' control
Pristine claws, so much the better to rend with 

One thing nearly all my completed miniature projects have in common is that upon finishing them I always find some key thing I could have done differently to take it to the next level. Needless to say, it was no different with the Slaanesh Chaos Chosen. Here, I could've permeated the armour with flesh pink hues in a pattern suggesting that the daemon within was winning a battle of wills between itself and the Chaos Chosen. But that meant the colour spectrum would shift towards pink from purple. While there is precedent for predominantly pink hues in Slaanesh subjects, it wasn't what I wanted.  

Sweet pastel colours is incongruous with the nature of Slaanesh, yet somehow fitting
More of the daemon is erupting from the Slaanesh Chosen's back
Base comprises a greyish black sandy texture

What I wanted was a Slaanesh Chaos Chosen covered primarily with purplish hues. Hence I abandoned the thought of painting strands of pink flesh crisscrossing the Chosen's armour. This arguably leaves the armour looking a bit flat in places. But it was a trade off I was willing to accept.  

Other than the claws shown here, the Slaanesh Chosen's eyes had the brightest hues
Hues of muted gold, blue and bone help keep the colour scheme varied

And then there were two. Completion of the Slaanesh Chaos Chosen marks the midpoint of my 'visual ode' to the Warhammer 40K chaos gods. With the other two upcoming Chaos Chosens being mainly in reds (Khorne) and blues (Tzeentch) respectively, it also more aesthetically pleasing for me to have the Slaanesh Chaos Chosen covered mostly in purplish hues as opposed to pink.    

Nurgle and Slaanesh now have their chosen while Khorne and Tzeentch await theirs

At this point I'm not sure which of the Chosen Chaos - Tzeentch or Khorne - will be painted next. I'm not even sure if either one will be the next W40K project. For now, please say a warm hello to a My Little Pony version of a Chaos warrior who bears the favour of the Dark Gods, in this case Slaanesh.


  1. Lovely work. I really, really like the colour palette and contrasts between light and dark, colourful and muted. Great stuff. :)

    1. Thank you :) I'm a sucker for pastels. There's something about unsaturated hues that's very calming to me.

  2. Oh wow! That is a sensational piece of work, the look of blades is truly stunning.

  3. Truly amazing! You've once again succeeded in creating yet another masterpiece. Really like the contrast between the black armour, the fleshy parts and the metalic blue sheen of the fists.

    1. Thank you ^_^ It actually could be much better but I'm pretty happy just to have all the colours get along with one another.

  4. Most impressive and lovely figures!

  5. I love your work. You chose a path which is different than the usual and it's strikingly good. Slaanesh can be pleased. That should be good for you, I guess, but beware the random mutations, can be kind of annoying. :D

    1. Ha ha :D ... now random mutations is something I wish I had the skills the paint and paint well. Thank you Suber for your kind words.

  6. Fantastic work & paint-job ! They both look awesome !
    Looking forward to the other 2 !

    1. Thank you Mario :) To keep the other two in-sync with existing colour schemes I would've to figure out some combination of pastel hues featuring blue and red for Tzeentch and Khorne Chosens respectively .

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Zab ... I'm a huge fan of muted tones. :)

  8. Oh btw , chaos MLP:
    That's the sh**! Right?!

  9. Great tones, like the way the fleash stands out against the dark armour. Nice job.
