
Friday, 31 March 2017

A look at Pantone's Colour of the Year 2017 (Greenery) through geek lenses

If you're a fan of the annual Pantone Color of the Year announcements you would've long known by now that greenery is this year's hue of choice. So you guessed it. Painting a miniature in predominantly green hues is now a to-do-item in my ever expanding hobby checklist.    

Pantone Color of the Year 2017 - Greenery
Greenery comes in a variety of hues which enlarge the pool of potential projects

While I wouldn't say for sure that green is my favourite colour, it certainly vies with blue for that dubious honour. If I had to choose a favoured hue it would be more of an amalgam of pastel greens and blues with the occasional soft desaturated pinks and purples thrown in. But that being said, looking back at my past miniature painting projects I seem to have painted a lot of miniatures with predominantly green hues. I guess I like green a lot after all, subconsciously that is.

My past miniature projects which had major elements of greenery in them: clockwise from top left - The Hulk, Freya, House Baratheon Knight, Nurgle Chaos Chosen, Gretchin, and Wood Elf Goddess

Going forward, I might add two more miniatures into this green group i.e. the 28 mm heroic scale Legolas of the Fellowship of the Ring and the 1/28th scale Loki of Asgard. They are from Games Workshop and Knight Models respectively. In a weird coincidence, at this point in time both companies no longer produce miniatures for the Lord of the Rings and Marvel licences.

Potential miniature painting projects with high levels of greenery - Legolas and Loki

In honour of all things geek I thought I would share some green-hued characters in a few of my favourite science fiction, fantasy and horror universes. Of the characters below, Yoda is doable as a project Bandai just released a Yoda plastic model kit. The zombie too as I should've some zombies lying around somewhere. Legolas is already in the to-do-list while Tauriel not so much as I don't have a miniature equivalent of her. Sadly nada too for Vina the Orion slave girl and Arwen of Rivendell. 

Star Wars - Master Yoda, Jedi
Star Trek The Original Series - Vina, the Orion slave girl
The Hobbit - Tauriel and Legolas in elven travel wear
The Lord of the Rings - Arwen in her coronation gown
The Walking Dead - a zombie with green tinged skin tone crawliing on grass

Now that's enough greenery to last beyond 2017, miniature painting-wise. This was the third year in a row - coincidentally the length of time I've been following Pantone's annual declarations - in which I had loved the hues in question. Hopefully next year's hue will be equally lovable. But until the next announcement in December, I will have plenty on my plate as it is with regard to this year's colour. Well, the minis aren't going to paint themselves. I had better hop to it then. Time's a-wasting.


  1. What a great post, I thought for a minute that it was an early April Fools project. Looking forward to the new greenery additions to your collection.

    1. Thank you Michael. I love April Fool posts but I wouldn't post one myself ... not 'creatively funny' enough. :)

  2. Beautiful and inspiring. But remember! It's not easy being green... :D

    1. ^_^ Thanks Suber ... like you (as your varied projects show) I just love messing around with colours.

  3. Some excellent past green projects there FourEyedMonster! :)

    1. Thank you pulpcitizen ... it always feels a bit weird looking at past projects because seeing them again after such a long time almost always makes me cringe and think did I really think that was good ... :)

  4. Sounds good Zombies all round :)

    1. Yeah ... painting zombies is something I haven't done enough of :)
