
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Khorne Berzerker Rhino interior ... humble beginnings

Should I ... shouldn't I ... after having grappled for a few days with the question of whether to paint the interior of my zerkers' armoured transport, I decided to go for it. Time to make up for loss time due to indecision and paint, paint, paint.

First, all areas of the interior which did not require a basecoat were masked with Scotch Tape. Additionally, movable parts such as the backdoor hinges and parts that will be slotted into a groove during assembly were masked with or some rubber mastic adhesive (more commonly known as Bluetack) to ensure that paint does not add thickness and cause problems during later assembly.

Prepped up for basecoating

Then, parts forming the Rhino's interior were sprayed with Skull White. Ideally, the distance between the spray can and the figure should be around 12 inches, according to Games Workshop. Here it was slightly less but thankfully no clumping of paint occurred.

Basecoating the pieces
Pieces with Scotch Tape and Bluetack removed
Skull White was used as the basecoat paint to ensure a 'brighter' canvas for the subsequent paint layers. I plan to glue shut both the side doors as well as the top hatch, so it will be rather dark in the interior as only the back door can open to allow light in.

Now all that's left to do is to paint the interior before assembling it. Haven't decided on final colour-scheme of the interior yet but I am getting inspiration from some cool pieces by limp and snake88. I am leaning towards a brighter colour scheme to show off the darkly lit interior but that seems counter to what a Chaos Rhino interior should look like. Any comments or advice on what would be a cool interior colour scheme for the Black Legion/Khorne Rhino is most welcome.


  1. Looking good so far and thanks for the link! Did you basecoat the roof aswell?

    1. Ouch! I forgot lol. Thanks for the reminder. Darn ... and I thought I was all set to go!

  2. Actually Snake88's interior is kinda nice, simple yet effective, I guess you have to use light color for the interior, my interior was base coated black and it is barely visible, maybe use white with some red wash for the recess? some bloody footprint, blood smear(don't overdo it =p) would be nice too ^^

    ps: remember to snap a pic before you slam the top hatch on, otherwise it will be annoyingly difficult to take photo of the interior

    ps2: FEM, you brought a new camera? The picture looks crystal clear this time!

    1. Thanks for tips and advice. Same old camera phone but here there was better daylight lighting.

  3. ps3: Get a box for spraying!

    1. I do have a box and used it for my other spray paint projects. Just didn't bother here as I was only targeting one side. Also, area was well ventilated while old newspapers and cardboards were everywhere (off camera). =)

  4. waiting to see the end result :)

    1. heh heh me too ... if I mess it up and I can always glue the door shut and say I changed my mind =)

  5. You're a brave man/crazy hobbyist painter to paint the interiors :)

    Btw...who took the pics of u spraying? Yr better half hehe.

    And yes, your pics are definitely improving!! Well done homes.

    1. Yah ... definitely gila crazy heh heh. Yep, missus helped to take the pictures =)
      Thanks man! You set me ony my way to better picture taking with your invaluable tips when we met the last time XD
