
Sunday, 11 July 2021

An ongoing tragedy played out in greek alphabets

 Alpha, beta, delta, kappa, theta and eta ... these are the Covid-19 variants that now exist within the community in my country. The first three are deemed  as variants of concern while the latter three is currently stated as variants of interest for now. In the past few weeks, there have been an increasing number of areas falling under emergency lock downs. Economically, normal citizens are struggling, with suicide rates in the country rising to four a day so far this year. Things aren't looking good.

 On the bright side, vaccinations are ramping up, albeit still at a slow pace. Most, yours truly included, do not have access to Pfitzer vaccines, which is currently the most effective in the fight against covid. Instead we are being vaccinated with Sinovac. That being said, I believe something is still better than nothing. Rather than crying foul over any perceived unfairness in who gets what, I believe even a vaccine derived from older technology can provide a modicum of protection that may, hopefully, make a difference against hospitalization and death. So with things as bleak as they are, I'm begging off ... yet again ... from the usual hobby posts. I bid you goodbye for now. Be well and stay safe!


  1. I wish you all the best Kuan ! I hope you and your family are safe and stay safe !

    1. Thanks for the well wishes Mario. May you and yours be safe and stay safe too!

  2. Hard times indeed. Let's hope things go better. All the best.

    1. Yes indeed. Let's hope things get better ... somehow.

  3. Stay safe my friend, courage!

  4. Stay safe! Hopefully your country has fewer idiots than we seem to have here, and everyone will eventually be vaccinated.

    1. Oh we have our fair share of covidiots in the country, which is made worse by a fair number demagogues in the political scene. Stay safe too lasgunpacker!
