
Sunday, 13 June 2021

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B [WIP - Assembly]

 And then there were two ... Booth Bunny Companion Girls that is (click here to see the other girl). With the Hasegawa 1/24 scale Booth Bunny Companion Girl B fully assembled, the pair of car show models can now move on to the next stage namely the priming process and subsequent first layers of paint. For now, lets take a quick look at the fully assembled Girl B.  

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B, freshly assembled and posing next to a bottle of glue

 Not for the first time, the DSLR camera has helped me spot a flaw in my prep work, a flaw in which the naked eye could not detect (see third photo in the series immediately below). Look closely at her face and you might notice a hideous 'scar' or mould line running from the corner of her left eye across the cheek to the left corner of her mouth. So now I've to figure out an effective and clean way to remove this 'scar' before applying the primer coat. Speaking of which I had better give Girl A a once-over again to make sure I didn't overlook any similar flaws after her prep work.   

Hasegawa 1/24 scale Booth Bunny Companion Girl B work-in-progress: fully assembled

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B has a more interesting pose compared to Girl A

Flaw discovered via photographic observation: not the 'scar' i.e. mould line on her left cheek

A closeup view of Booth Bunny Companion Girl B, from the front

 Assembly of Booth Bunny Companion Girl B was comparatively easier than for Girl A, primarily because the former model's arms were already moulded in place thus only her hands required gluing to the body. However, similar issues affected Girl B's legs as with Girl A, and some calculated risks had to be taken to get the positioning of her legs as accurate as possible. I used the curvature of the left buttock as a positioning guide to first attach the left leg. Then the glued on left leg was used as a positioning guide for the gluing of the lower half of her right leg.

Assembly instructions for the 1/24 scale Booth Bunny Companion Girl B

Pieces of Booth Bunny Companion Girl B prior to her assembly process

Front view of Booth Bunny Companion Girl B; lying flat on her back

Back view of Booth Bunny Companion Girl B; lying prone, face downwards

 Similar to what was done to her companion, the Booth Bunny Girl B figurine had a 0.8 mm hole drilled into her foot, before a similarly sized copper rod was inserted into said hole. This functions to anchor the figurine securely onto the base as well as prevent any painting surfaces from being obscured during the airbrushing/hand-painting process. Previously I had incorrectly stated that a brass rod was used. Upon closer inspection, I believe that it is a rod made primarily from copper. 

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B [front view]; fully assembled and anchored to the base

A copper rod (not brass) secures the figurine to the base without obscuring any painting surface

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B; fully assembled [side view, from her right]

Her posture looks more interesting in that the 's-curves' are more prominent

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B [back view]; fully assembled and anchored to the base

The plan is to prime her and her companion in light grey, and work from there

Booth Bunny Companion Girl B; fully assembled [side view, from left]

Positioning and gluing of the arms and feet to her body was easier this time around

As with her fellow model, the details on Booth Bunny Companion Girl B are well moulded

 In terms figurine detail, Girl B is equally as good as her companion, in fact more so in a way. One example of this is the way you can see her shoulder blades hunched in towards her spine, in a naturally occurring way due to her posture. Of course to be fair to Girl A, this only comes about because Girl B has more skin exposed or is more scantily clad if you will.

With the arms moulded in place and only her hands needing to be glued on, the assembly process was far easier

Shoulder blades hunched inwards is an example of the realistic moulded details

Only complaint is that details on her hair are a bit sparse, especially near the crown

 Next on the hobby agenda would be either a continuation of the Booth Bunny Companion Girls project or a resumption of previously on-hold projects such as the Speeder Bike, etc. Incidentally, anything Star Wars related should get an inspirational boost now that I've subscribed to the Disney+ hotstar streaming service. Just watching The Mandalorian alone has gotten me all excited about Speeder Bikes again. It's nice to have that small silver lining in the undulating mass of dark clouds I find myself in. Inspiration begets work actually being done on my projects. This is the way.


  1. Great work Kuan ! Looking forward to see some paint on her.

    1. Me too. Sadly I seem to be working slower, and slower these days.

  2. I can't wait to see your progress on this one... as well as on all your other projects! :D

    1. Thanks Suber :) Sorry to disappoint so far. I have been excruciatingly slow working on my projects these days.
