
Sunday, 27 September 2020

Star Wars Scout Trooper [WIP: Head, Neck, Upper- and Mid-Torso with Pouches; Painted & Assembled]

 Amidst a never-ending pandemic that has effectively put paid to any future family income for the foreseeable future (... I'll spare you the details as my writer's mind will likely embellish it to become a story worthy of a Taiwanese melodramatic soap opera sobfest, trust me on this, those can be real tear-jerkers ...), there is thankfully the little island of calm that is my hobby workstation. And on it, crawling along at a snail's pace, is the 1/12 scale Scout Trooper with its latest progress posted below.

Scout Trooper Work-in-Progress: Head, Neck, Upper/Mid-Torso (Painted & Assembled)

Color scheme-wise it's all an interplay between the whites and off-whites ...

... with the blacks and metallic hues taking a backstage to that said interplay

In more ways than one, the Bandai Star Wars Scout Trooper is turning out to be an excellent kit. With its inherently detailed parts, it has the potential to look good even if only a few selected parts are painted. Heck, the kit still looks pretty good without any painting done on it at all. As for the paint job so far, you can color me satisfied with just how well the whites and off-whites play off each other.  

From left to right: Scout Trooper's Neck/Helmet, Upper/Mid-Torso and Neck

If you've been following the progress of this project you might remember that I had inadvertently forgotten to panel-line the grooves on the Scout Trooper's backpack. That little misstep has been rectified (see below) and the back view of the Scout Trooper's Upper/Mid-Torso looks so much the better for it. It's great what just a little panel lining can do to increase depth on a part.

Side view (from right) of the Scout Trooper's Head, Neck, Upper/Mid-Torso sub-assembly

Panel lining added a great deal more depth to the Scout Trooper's backpack

Back view of the Scout Trooper's Head, Neck, Upper/Mid-Torso sub-assembly

Scout Trooper's Shoulders, Arms, Elbow and Hands will be added later

Side view (from left) of the Scout Trooper's Head, Neck, Upper/Mid-Torso sub-assembly

 Admittedly this post has been a bit of a cheat seeing that the only new painted piece was the small Neck section as the Head/Helmet and Upper/Mid-Torso sections were already completed earlier, and used here only for the sub-assembly process. Outside of the hobby, it's been a pretty depressing few weeks so I guess this its an opportune time, if any, for a 'cheat post'. Another week is almost over, so that means I'm going to leave you with this quote by protagonist Frank Murphy from the animated show F is for Family ... “I hate my life, but I keep on doing it!”


  1. Truly superb...and impressive!

  2. Well, no honest work is cheating at all! I like the way this one is evolving. Oh, and I think your readers can deal with some Taiwanese soap opera, so if you need to get it off your chest, we will gladly read you!
    I hope everything goes well. All the best.

    1. Thank you Suber. Things are looking bleak in my country as power hungry far-right politicians forced a state re-election which in turn is causing an alarming rate of second wave COVID-19 infections. In short, any hope of an economic recovery is pretty much dead. I could go on and on about what these politicians have been and are continuing to do, all jaw dropping stuff, but it's like beating a dead horse. Oops ... sorry about this little rant Suber :) I just couldn't help myself XD It looks like tough times ahead for the family but it's the same for millions of people around the world so shouting woe is me isn't going to cut it. But I certainly DO appreciate your offer to be a sympathetic ear. For that I thank you and wish you and your family better tidings. Cheers Suber and thank you again.
