
Saturday, 2 May 2020

Using VEGAS Pro 15 to edit a video of the atelier iT 1/12 scale Race Queen

Use of a professional production software to edit and render hobby-related videos has long been an unchecked item in my hobby must-do-wishlist. That is, until now, courtesy of a fortuitous stumble upon an older version of VEGAS Pro on sale in, of all places, an online computer gaming platform called Steam. To skip the short backstory of what I had tried to do in my video production of the fully painted atelier iT 1/12 scale Race Queen figurine, please scroll down to the end of this blog. There you'll find my first attempt at utilizing a dedicated software to enhance a hobby-related video.  

As this was my first VEGAS Pro edited video, I had kept things as simple as I could. Working under a constrained hobby budget meant commercial plug-ins, which would've made my life easier, were out of the question. To compound matters, the VEGAS Pro EDIT 15 in my possession didn't include Boris FX Continuum, a special effects plug-in package that comes with more expensive versions. The version I have is two iterations behind the latest one available i.e. VEGAS Pro 17.

VEGAS Pro's interface was more complicated than what I was used to in the discontinued Windows Movie Maker
Lower half of the VEGAS Pro interface displays the project timeline and the various video and audio tracks
VEGAS Pro Edit 15 (Steam Edition) was used to produce the Race Queen video

In my first VEGAS Pro produced video, I had focused my effort on four key areas:
(a) an introduction that is minimalist yet captivating;
(b) call-outs that bring attention to specific areas of the project;
(c) a lower third that brings attention to my blog url; and
(d) text transitions that are in-sync with the background music.  

A minimalist introduction flags off the atelier iT 1/12 scale Race Queen video presentation
Call-outs served to highlight the work involved on specific parts of the Race Queen 
An animated lower third was also added to bring attention to my blog URL in a conspicuous manner
Scattered throughout the latter half of the video are text transitions, some of which are synchronized to music

All text and graphical effects you see in the video were generally build from scratch, with methods to implement them gleaned from free online tutorials on YouTube. And apart from simple fade-ins and fade-outs, no special movie effects were applied on the original video footage of the Race Queen herself. Such special effects are still beyond my basic video editing skills. So then, below is the video showcasing the Race Queen in a 360 degree spin-around. Please remember to choose the HD option for the best viewing option. Also click => here <= to check out my YouTube Channel.

My next video edit may involve the Millennium Falcon that I recently completed, or even some earlier projects like the RX-78-2 Gundam. By then I hope to at least add some special effects to the video and perhaps a voice-over if needed. And with that it's time for another quote. This one is from one of my favorite Formula One drivers Kimi Raikonnen ... Be yourself. If you try to be someone else, it won't work. Whatever you do, you are not going to make everyone happy.  

FourEyedMonster Miniatures YouTube Channel


  1. Oh my goodness, you have really taken this to the next level!

    1. It's a small jump in level but hopefully it'll make things less boring. Thanks for watching! :)

  2. dude i hate premiere, how do you like vegas? is it still supported? I am looking for a better editing platform. adobe just doesnt suite my editing tastes.

    1. I am super new at this so take my words with a pinch of salt. Firstly I heard that Adobe Premiere is better in many things but I can't afford it so I can't tell for sure. The version I bought is no longer available in Steam as the company pulled this version and left only versions 16 and 17 for sale so I guess the answer to is it still supported ... on my platform i.e. Steam ... I don't think so. So far I've found VEGAS Pro nice to use. Caveat is my previous experience was with Windows Movie Maker so that's a given I guess. Why don't you like Adobe? Is is the GUI? The workflow process?

    2. I hate the user interface. I used to edit on avid at work and its way more intuitive, but also like 5-10K to get so, not an option for home editing. You did a great job, btw. very nice professional video :)

  3. Well, I know nothing of this kind of editing software, but I have to say I'm impressed. It's elegant, the effects don't distract the viewer's attention from the model and the music is just perfect. Please do more of these, it's lovely.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words Suber ^_^
