
Saturday, 21 March 2020

Covid-19 Lockdown in Malaysia; a miniature painter's thoughts and perspective

Unless you have been living under a rock, you should be aware by now we are facing a global pandemic. And while I despair at sheer stupidity and ignorance of some fellow citizens during these trying times, I honestly cannot blame them for their reaction. Science as a body of knowledge seems to have become less of a priority in the education system and results are all too predictable.

Light traffic during rush hour near the Petronas Twin Towers (Source: Straits Times)

A spike in Covid-19 cases here came about as 16,000 people - some unaware they were already infected with the virus - attended a religious event in Kuala Lunpur, and then subsequently dispersed all over the country and South East Asia. To date not all have been accounted for. Following this, a perfect storm then arose when a well intentioned interstate-movement-restriction-order resulted in massive amounts of citizens congregating in police stations all over the city to obtain exemption permits before dispersing back to their hometowns all over the nation. To make matters worse, many seem to be ignoring the lockdown due to confusion, ignorance or plain stubbornness. 

Highways in Kuala Lumpur are bizarrely empty (Source: Malaysian Reserve)

And then you have the Health Minister coming on air saying drinking warm water prevents Covid-19 infection. Seriously? Sigh. Personally, I believe practicing good hygiene and maintaining social distance, among others, is our best bet to flatten the curve of infection rates. Science matters! 

Empty roads in downtown Kuala Lumpur (Source: Straits Times)

Being a biochemist by training I was already highly attuned to the horrors of this pandemic at its early stages. But even then the seriousness of it all didn't really hit home until I had to get in line to get my temperature tested and hands sanitized before I could enter a local grocery store for supplies. Thankfully queues were orderly and not overly long; shoppers largely calm and courteous i.e. no toilet roll fights that have become viral (no pun intended) memes; food stocks adequate; traffic light due to it being largely restricted to essential movement like medical emergencies, supply runs, etc.

More empty highways in Kuala Lumpur during what would've been peak hours (Source: The Star)

With many citizens seriously affected financially by this pandemic, it might seem scant consolation to note that pollution levels have decreased. Irony dictates that the problem of Global Warming should be solved by a Global Pandemic which may lead to a Global Economic Downturn.  

Yet more empty streets of down town Kuala Lumpur (Source:

On a less dire note, this lockdown means I no longer have any credible excuse to further delay work on my huge pile of miniature and scale model kit backlog. In fact just prior to the lockdown I went ahead and added to this pile - I know I shouldn't have - two new F1 kits to work on during this self-isolation period. However, that's a story for another day. Lastly in a period where it's essential for Science to triumph Fake News, I leave you with a quote from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson ... Knowing how to think empowers you far beyond those who know only what to think.


  1. Impresive pictures...and great write up my friend, agree with you on all the points...Love the "Irony dictates that the problem of Global Warming should be solved by a Global Pandemic"...if only! Take care of yourself...As sad in France than in your country...

    1. From what I read online things are pretty dire in France too. Please take care Phil and stay safe!

  2. You said! Agree in 100%!
    Take care!

    1. You too Michal, take good care of yourself and your family. Stay safe!

  3. Worrying times indeed! Still I'm looking forward to all the wonderful stuff you'll certainly produce in the coming weeks. Stay safe!

    1. Thank you Moiterei. Yes, very worrying times indeed. Stay safe too!

  4. Glad to hear you're locked down and in relative safety.
    Here in Belgium is still no lock down and I'm obligated to work. Normally no issue , but now this could be a death sentence. I take all precautions I can , but there is no safety until they order a full lock down here.
    Looking forward to see more projects of yours.
    Greetings & stay safe !

    1. I despair that some European nations are not taking the pandemic seriously enough. Do stay safe when you are out working. If you do not have access to face masks, do whatever you can to AVOID touching your face, eyes and mouth; wash your hands and keep as much social distancing as your work allows. Take care Mario!

  5. Well spoken. I want to whack up side the head the fools on our forums that make fun of this as a "conspiracy". As if this many governments could actually agree on anything. Sigh.
    Stay healthy and good luck on your projects!

    1. You too! I hope you can get lots of projects done up and above all else ... STAY SAFE!

  6. MY family was supposed to be travelling to KL and Penang (from Australia) in April. Not any more :( Good luck and stay safe.

    1. The pandemic in both our countries is so bad. Best to stay home and be SAFE. All the best to you and your loved ones.

  7. I can totally relate to your situation, as that's exactly what we are living right now at Spain. Stay safe and all the best!

    1. Yes indeed. From what I can read online the situation in Spain is equally bad. Please stay safe Suber and all the best to you and your family too!

    2. It is, I'm afraid. Fingers crossed (and clean!). All the best.

  8. Pictures like these show how serious it all is, hopefully we have to get through something like this only once during our lifetime. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes for sure. Although new cases has leveled out for sometime now in Malaysia but there is still no sign of any significant downturn as yet. The economy has taken a huge beating and it looks like the lockdown will be extended into its second month.
