Being well into the current year, it would seem to be a significantly belated exercise for me to analyze what hobby projects I actually have on the worktable and in semi-storage. But things are in such a mess at the moment hobby-wise that I need to take stock before I can move forward. So not including projects already finished but yet to be unveiled,
and in the order of most to least likely to be finished by year-end, here then is the state of my hobby worktable and what's in store in the coming months:
A) Projects with significant assembly and paint work completed
Most likely to be worked on (
note that I didn't say finished) this year is the best way to describe this group of miniatures and scale model kits. Of the three in this group, the least advanced in terms of progress would be my
Bumblebee Transformer in car form aka the
Tamiya 1/24 scale Volkswagen 1300 Beetle (1966 Model). At this stage, only the engine counts as significant work done. Well that and perhaps finding a Bumblebee yellow hue I'm happy with. To breathe new life into the project I might just add a 1/24 scale figurine that could, at a stretch, pass off as Hailee Steinfeld. In case you were wondering, she played the human protagonist in the
Bumblebee movie.
Tamiya 1/24 scale Volkswagen Beetle Work-in-Progress (WIP): First section painted with Bumblebee yellow |
Volkswagen Beetle's engine prominently shows the muffler, fan belt/housing, intake manifold, ignition coil, etc. |
Beetle's oil strainer surrounded by the muffler, exhaust manifold heat exchangers and transmission |
Meanwhile, a project that has seen much better progress is the
Bandai 1/144 scale Millennium Falcon (
Star Wars: The Force Awakens version). In all my time as a miniature hobbyist, I am most proudest of the detail I managed to bring out through paint on the 1/144 scale Han Solo and Chewbacca (
see below). A combination of luck and patience played a role in the end results. Both were also part of the smallest group of miniatures I had ever painted. As for the Millennium Falcon itself, the cockpit, forward mandibles as well as upper and lower hulls are essentially complete sans weathering.
Smallest figurines I've ever painted so far i.e. 1/144 scale Han Solo and Chewbacca |
All the 1/144 scale figurines namely Han Solo, Chewbacca, Finn, Rey compared to a five sen coin |
Bandai 1/144 scale Millennium Falcon WIP: Cockpit and forward mandibles sans weathering |
Millennium Falcon WIP: Lower gun turret with its yet-to-be-weathered hull plating attached |
Millennium Falcon WIP: Basecoat, Panel Lines & Decals on Lower/Upper Hull |
Moving on to something smaller, it has been a long time since I painted a miniature 28 mm or less in scale. And in a classic case of so near yet so far, I had actually painted a large portion of the
Dark Sword Wood Elf Goddess before progress on her somehow stopped dead in its tracks. It was as if all confidence to finish up her paint work just drained away from me. I can't explain this one. As near to completion as she is, the goddess may have to wait a while longer for her day in the spotlight.
Dark Sword Miniatures Wood Elf Goddess WIP: Painted in dark skin tones (front view) |
Dark Sword Miniatures Wood Elf Goddess WIP: Painted in dark skin tones (back view) |
B) Projects unboxed, color schemes researched and awaiting lift off
In this category are projects I had enthusiastically unboxed and researched before one reason or another caused them to be placed on the back burner. First there is the
Bandai 1/12 scale Star Wars Scout Trooper and Speeder Bike. This one is going to be slightly different from the other Bandai Star Wars figurines I had previously worked on in that I plan to paint the Imperial soldier's white armor. As good as the armor looks unpainted, I believe it will need a proper coat of paint if it's to endure significant weathering using enamels and/or oils. After all, a Scout Trooper on the Forest Moon of Endor should, in theory, have some of mud, earth and vegetation stains on its white armor.
Bandai Star Wars 1/12 scale Scout Trooper & Speeder Bike |
To accommodate both the figurine and vehicle, eight sprues are tightly packed into the box
More advanced along the project pipeline is the
Bandai 1/1000 scale Space Battleship Yamato Cosmo Reverse Version. Colors for her hull and deck have been prepared and assembly should begin soon. Maybe a binge rewatch of the anime series is what I need to rekindle the spark I had for the Yamato. Or perhaps I could concurrently paint the corresponding anime character figurines from the anime. Either way this is one project I'm optimistic will see lift off in the coming months.
Bandai 1/1000 scale Space Battleship Yamato 2199, Cosmo Reverse Version |
Moderately sized scale model kit box for the Yamato is also chock-full of sprues |
Space Battleship Yamato Reds and Grays mixed at a paint ratio suggested in an older kit's color guide |
While Yamato's decks are molded in blue gray, the color guide recommends a kind of pale violet brown
C) Projects hinted at previously but yet to be unboxed aka Shiny New Toy Syndrome
Spur of the moment scale model kit and figurine purchases, of which I'm guilty of ... a lot, form a large part of this category. Just rewatched an anime favorite
Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Bam! Cue obsessive search for an old Bandai scale model kit of the
Evagelion-01 Test Type mecha. Feeling the need to supplement my
Gundam project with a character figurine?
Wham! Sourced a resin recast of
Sayla Mass, which was originally a PVC figurine only. And as the old
Batman theme (get it?) fades away, I can only stare, shamefully ... almost remorsefully, at yet another somewhat unnecessary acquisition inspired from watching the latest flagship Gundam series i.e.
Gundam Unicorn.
Bandai Limited Model High Grade plastic scale model kit of EVA-01 Test Type |
E2046 resin recast of what was originally a 1/8 scale Sayla Mass PVC figurine |
Bandai Master Grade RX-0 Unicorn Gundam - HD Color Version with Mobile Suite Cage |
And of all the three 'Shiny New Toy Syndrome' purchases above, it's the
Bandai Master Grade RX-0 Unicorn in HD Color and with a Mobile Suit Cage base that is least likely to get any work done on it. In contrast, the EVA-01 unit project has a high chance of getting off the ground because I've already test painted the color scheme I want for the Evangelion mecha. That leaves Sayla Mass who may be the first figurine I start work on this year. Or then again, it could be the two below.
D) Projects fully-assembled and primed, yet left in storage
That these miniatures are in storage tells its own story. Sort of. A myriad of reasons that range from from waning inspiration to real life issues to lack of skill set to do a project justice to just plain old forgot, resulted in both the
Nocturna Models Battle Chick and the
Knight Models Loki figurines being shelved after receiving a primer coat. Being shelved in a display cabinet, however, is clearly distinct from being put away in storage. The former means the figurines are still visible to me, so there is still hope I will work on them eventually. Moreover, the addition of airbrushing skills to my repertoire means the said projects takes on new possibilities when coupled with regular hand brush painting.
Nocturna Models Necrospace series - 70 mm Battle Chick resin figurine |
Knight Models Marvel Universe - white metal figurine Loki, assembled and primed |
E) Projects whose assembly is nearly complete, awaiting a primer coat
Not unlike Loki above, the Knight Models Thor project stagnated for similar reasons, just that it stopped before even being fully assembled. But for a project that felt like a chore to complete with regular painting by hand, Thor seems ready made for airbrushing. This Norse God's dimensions such as the flowing robes and clearly demarcated superhero attire make it easier to airbrush than say the Loki figurine with its nook and crannies. At least it looks that way to me. Will Thor overtake Loki in the project pipeline? Or will both get done? Hopefully status quo does not prevail here.
Knight Models Marvel Universe - white metal figurine Thor, semi-assembled |
And for the win, garnering the record for the longest period a miniature/scale model kit in my collection has stayed on the KIV or to-do-one-day list is ... drum roll ... the
Games Workshop W40K Ork Trukk. It was the first scale model kit vehicle I had worked on ... eight long years ago. Phew! Well I did do some work on it. I removed it from the shelf and carefully washed away eight years of dust. So it's ready for a primer coat. What then are the odds for another eight years of inactivity?
Warhammer 40K Ork Trukk - semi-assembled with its driver painted |
F) Projects with as much sun exposure as a vampire
Aptly marked under 'F' after 'E' for epic fail, these are projects that have been shelved for a long, long time. So long in fact that I won't even waste your time showing you what they are in detail. Suffice to say they are mostly
Games Workshop tabletop miniatures that got me started in the hobby. Chances for any project under this category being revived is extremely slim. Not impossible but slim.
Then there is the wildcard category which arguably makes these what's-in-store-posts an exercise in futility and wishful thinking. Let's call it
Category X. Remember the oft repeated resolution us hobbyists are
renowned for? How did it go again ... oh yes ...
I solemnly swear not to
buy anymore scale model kits until I finish some of what I already own. Many had also taken this vow when gently reminded [
increase level of domestic violence as per appropriate] by their spouses of the mountain of unopened kit boxes cluttering up the house. In essence, at any time either new impulse buys or existing model kits could (and likely) gatecrash the present project line ... possibly consigning work-in-progress miniatures and scale models into the dreaded Category F. See the pattern here?
Still on the topic of Category X, there are projects with a high chance of making it into Category B. For example, it's almost a given I'll being doing a World War 2 military model in one form or another. Coupled with my wish to learn new AFV-related painting techniques, it's therefore a near certainty work will soon start on a WW2 era armored fighting vehicle, in particular one that has been coined as the
Spearhead of the German Infantry. In addition, my clogged up project pipeline could yet see Pixar's most popular duo, more figurines, diorama pieces, etc. join the queue. I won't give specifics as it all may be a lot of hullabaloo for nothing. For now, what can I say except
carpe diem. Ironic huh?