
Sunday, 22 December 2019

MG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.3.0 [WIP: Beam Rifle and Beam Saber]

A severe bout of flu certainly put paid to any plans for sustained progress in my scale model kit and miniature projects. While I was too sick to even write last week, I felt much better this week at least enough to write this blog. The RX-78-2 Gundam Beam Rifle was completed a week prior to me falling ill so all I had to do was edit the photos and do the write up that you see below. 

Master Grade RX-78-2 Gundam Version 3.0 Work-in-Progress: Beam Rifle

Similar to how I've approached the other sub-assemblies of the RX-78-2 Gudam, the various pieces of the Beam Rifle was painted first before being decaled and then finally assembled together.

Various painted parts of the Beam Rifle before assembly; some decaled, some not

After painting (see immediate photo above) and applying decals (see immediate photo below) to the individual parts, the assembly process began in earnest as was chronicled in the following photos.

Painted pieces of the Beam Rifle, this time decaled and awaiting assembly
Assembly process of the RX-78-2 Gundam Beam Rifle begins 
Exposed core section of the Beam Rifle (center piece) is done at this stage
Everything in its place except for what I assume to be the Beam Rifle's targeting scope
Beam Rifle of the RX-78-2 Gundam, fully assembled

In terms of color scheme, the recommended guide went out the window because for some reason or other I had decided to put my own take on how the Beam Rifle should look. To compound matters, I had used a shade of grey that was so dark that it bordered on black. So if the Beam Rifle looks a bit off color-wise, it's all one me. I think it still looks kinda okay, not great, but not bad I guess.

Color scheme of the Beam Rifle differs greatly from the official colors ... 
... so if it looks bad, then it's all on me

Meanwhile, I also managed to put together the Beam Sabers (aka power swords of the RX-78-2 Gundam). This means I've actually finished 50% of its weapons system; the other two being the Hyper Bazooka and Shield. Unfortunately because of flu, any chance I had for this project to be completed outright by 2019 is now gone. At most I can finish the rest of its weapons system and leave the final photos for the start of 2020. All was not lost, however, as the hobby downtime gave me a chance to catch up on a show I had been meaning to watch i.e. Adult Swim's Rick And Morty.

Master Grade RX-78-2 Gundam Version 3.0 Work-in-Progress: Beam Saber

Before you ask. No, it isn't a children TV series. This show's target demographics actually range from 18-49 years-old. And as I write this, the new season should air tomorrow hence my binge watching of the first three seasons. In short, if you love science and intelligent writing - watch this series. I leave you with the words of co-protagonist Rick Sanchez ... To live is to risk it all; otherwise you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you...


  1. Glad to hear you feel better. Splendid job again! Where I would have just glued the pieces, black sprayed and them apply some metals, you managed to produce such an impressive weapon. Fantastic.

    1. Ha ha ... I was actually tempted to do exactly what you wrote but then my OCD took over :)

  2. What a beautiful and impressive weapon! Wish you an excellent end of year!

    1. Thank you Phil ... and may you have an equally excellent end to the year as well :)

  3. Happy to hear you're feeling better and even happier you're back to posting.
    That's a lot of pieces for just a rifle but it looks most excellent.

    1. Thank you Wouter. Sometimes I get frustrated with the number of pieces that Bandai creates for a particular section but you must admit there is a certain method to their madness.

  4. Sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well, but these are beautifully done.

    1. Thank you Michael. Things were made much easier with an airbrush for sure.

  5. How you feel well soon. Nice work on the gun it has turned out great.

    1. Thank you Simon. It's a bit too dark in places but I admit I am still pretty happy about it.
