
Tuesday, 17 September 2019

A Most Unwanted Title

It's September and here in Malaysia it means it's time to endure unhealthy air quality courtesy of worsening haze in the country. It was so bad that Kuala Lumpur officially took the mantel of the world's most air-polluted city on 11 September 2019, an achievement it has reluctantly relinquished to yet another Malaysian city namely Kuching, Sarawak. I'm not going to bore you with the details of the whys as you can find it all here in a post I put up about four years ago, nearly to the day.

Haze shrouded skyline of Kuala Lumpur on 11 September 2019 (Source: AFP Photo)

As I am writing, conditions in KL have improved somewhat in that there is sunshine forcing its way through the haze. But the air quality is bad enough that lots of schools have closed. More selfishly, I've had to put any priming or painting on hold so as to not risk having fine smoke/dust particles from the haze getting trapped within a layer of primer, paint or clear coat. Hopefully things will clear up soon. Until that happens I'll be posting up a rather large backlog of photos regarding hobby stuff I've managed to finish these past two months. I leave you with an apt quote by Eugene Harold Krabs ... Do you smell it? That smell. A kind of smelly smell. The smelly smell that smells... smelly.


  1. Ah, unfortunately a breath of "modernity" ...

    1. More like indiscriminate burning of forests by a neighboring country. Humans are certainly trying hard to kill themselves.

  2. Replies
    1. A week later and the sun is finally shining again without any haze to filter it. Hopefully things stay this way going forward, at least until next September.

  3. I hope it improves soon ! This can not be healthy.
    Looking forward to see more work of yours.

    1. It hasn't been the worse I experiences or maybe I'm slowly getting used to the haze after years of experiencing around this time of the year. I'm looking forward to getting some hobby work done up too ... soon.

  4. I totally trust on your resilience. However, of course, it sucks. Good luck!

  5. Unfortunately I can totally related, I've experienced how foul the air can get both in Beijing and in my homeland Belgium.
    Keep yourself safe over there!

    1. I heard the air in Beijing is super bad almost all the time. Anyway, things are okay now in Kuala Lumpur ... at least until next September.
