
Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Hobby malaise drags on into its seventh week

Once a feeling of inertia sets in, it rarely lets go of its ugly grip on me. This path of malaise is winding on and on with seemingly no end in sight. Sure, real life is throwing more than its fair share of issues to deal with which inevitably eats into any free time I've left for the hobby. But then again, even during those rare periods when I do have some free time to play with, they aren't being spent productively on the hobby at all. Therein lies the real problem. I'm starting to set goals of being productive at a hobby I'm supposed to just enjoy doing. Milestones to hit; targets to achieve.       

So what can I do to break out of this funk that I'm in? As with all things mental, thinking too much about it isn't much help. Taking a break from the hobby was the reason I'm in this funk in the first place. A change of scenery isn't an option when there's never any budget for a proper family holiday. Binge watching TV just made me lazier. Play PC games? Check! But as enjoyable as PC gaming can be, it's undeniably a huge time sink. So that leaves me with either doing some menial hobby tasks to get back into the groove or perhaps draw portraits again for a change of pace. Anyway I leave you now with a quote from Eeyore, We can’t all, and some of us don’t. That’s all there is to it.


  1. Everybody feels such a state and such well-being when he would not do anything.
    Collect energy and create it :)

  2. A break is often a good solution ...

    1. Very true ... but alas my break seems to be dragging on and on. Thank you anyway for the advice Phil.

  3. No worry : I felt like this in the past... Like most of us I mean.

    Life is not a quiet river and sometime (always ? ^^) we don't like what we love in hobbies. So better take your time and wait for the better time ^^

    Reading books is my very good alternative ^^

    Bon courage, mon ami !! ^^


    1. I love reading but even nowadays I tend to read books with an eye on how to write fiction effectively because I want to submit a publishable short story, eventually. So I've inadvertently turned reading books into a task LOL ... sigh.

  4. Just take your time & when you're ready , the inspiration & desire to do hobby will come... Greetings

    1. You are most likely spot on as the more I force it the worse the situation becomes.

  5. Right, as everybody else pointed out, the hobby Muse is sometimes elusive, and you can do nothing to force her attention. It comes when it comes, so let it flow. I guess we all have been there. All the best!

    1. I'm like an open tap ... but the water supply has stopped, ROFL ... sigh ... thanks anyway Suber :)

  6. I've written a post about hobby mojo lately, we all get it at some point. I find going back to what drew us in works well. Putting pleasure first and no other technical consideration.
    I hope you get some pleasure back from it to kickstart it all back !

    1. Hmmm ... you might have something there. What drew me into miniature painting was W40K which in turn was caused by excellent books from the Black Library. Maybe that's one route I could go.

  7. No the feeling and gone through it before. Clear down the paint table chill a bit and it will return. Nothing worse than having projects you don't feel like working on staring at you into feeling guilty.

    1. Sometimes worse when the missus chimes in with a positively innocent inquiry regarding when I'm going to paint the rare model kit/miniature figurine that I had previously said I had to have ROFL XD ... sigh.

  8. It cool im there with you. I'm doing inktober to try and get back to creating but its okay to jut chill and ride it out. Nice thing about our art: It waits for us very patiently ;)

    1. Yep ... mine has waited so patiently that a layer of dust now coats her ;) Maybe I need to draw again OR read something that inspired past artworks OR play video games OR win the lottery OR ... okay so that last one was a bit of a stretch so maybe one of the others then.

  9. Sorry to hear you're still not back where you'd like to be. I'm sure everything will be well in the end. Just take your time.

    1. No worries. It happens to all of us. It's just taking longer than I anticipated. Kinda scary but hopefully it will all turn good.
