
Monday, 3 September 2018

A brief hiatus …

I'm an extremely private person so it's not easy for me to put my recent thoughts into words. Even as I do this I cannot bring myself to weave personal thoughts into a narrative as cathartic as they may be. So I seek nothing but to acknowledge and mark a painful time in my life. For you see, my dad passed away peacefully last week. Regrets for things left unsaid will remain forever. I find comfort only in knowing the good he has done for many will stand him in good stead in his journey ahead.

It has crossed my mind to stop blogging for a significant period of time. Simply put, I can find no joy in talking about the trivialities of this hobby. But to stop what I'm doing leaves me with time to dwell on thoughts I rather not entertain. So I'll write again soon. For now though, I can write no more.


  1. I am sorry for your loss. If you need to talk i am here: sgtdotzabatgmaildotcom. My dad's passing this year was hardly a surprise but it still hit me like the weight of the world crashing down on me. It's okay take the time you need to mourn and heal.

    1. You offer is greatly appreciated Zab. The one person I've been talking with regarding this 'surreal' period has been my son who had a great relationship with my dad and had sadly despaired over my own, at times, strained relationship with my dad. We have helped each other through this period and continue to draw strength from each other going forward ...

  2. I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need to mourn and heal.
    I didn't took that time when my dad passed and I still haven't completely gave it a place and I probably never can.

    1. I truly get what you mean. It's a moment in time I want to lock away and not think about but at the same time feel terribly ... ungrateful? ... unfilial? ... for wanting to lock away this period and forget it ever happened. I hope you find that peace one day that eludes me ... for now.

  3. So sad to read these lines, and so sorry for your loss...Courage!

    1. Sadly all things must come to pass hence any happiness is but a prelude to sufferings of loss. My apologies for such morbid thoughts. I certainly value your call to courage.

  4. My thoughts are with you and yours.

  5. I'm really sorry to hear that. My condolences. Words may look empty half world away, but my sympathies and best thoughts are with you. Take as long as you may need, we will be waiting and supporting you. Whatever you may need, please let us know.
    All the best to you and your family through these hard times.

    1. Words are never empty no matter the distance, dear Suber. Your thoughts and sympathies are much appreciated.

  6. Sorry to hear about your loss. Do what needs to be done and reach out if you need assistance or someone to talk to. Take care.

    1. Getting by day by day ... that's the best anyone can do really. And your kind offer is most certainly appreciated DWolve.

  7. Oh, it's very sad. My condolences friend...

    1. As weird as this may sound, my dad's passing feels both like it was just yesterday and an eternity as well. Your words of condolence is much appreciated Michał.
