
Friday, 22 September 2017

Game of Thrones Bronn [WIP - Facial Skin Tone & Lips Revisited]

A while back ago I had stopped working on Bronn - a Game of Thrones character that I'm portraying using a Nocturna Models resin figurine - because I had reached a point whereby each attempt at correcting a mistake was resulting in yet more mistakes. I needed to take a step back. Time off, if you will, to work on other projects before coming back to this avaricious Westerosi sellsword. 

Bronn the Sellsword with his facial skin tones reworked for smoother transitions
Corrective work was also carried out on his upper and lower lips

Unfortunately, there was a price to pay for this long hiatus. Because I had painted Bronn during a period in-real-life when many things were going wrong, I was distracted to the point that I forgot to jot down his skin tone paint recipe. Previously I contemplated up to three skin tone colour schemes, one of which I had actually posted online. But for the life of me I couldn't remember which colour scheme I eventually used. So I tried the best I could to match the existing skin tones, the results of which you see here in this post. All things considered, I think his face turned out pretty okay.   

Bronn's blade was mildly weathered with Vallejo Engine Grime and Citadel Agrax Earthshade
Greenish hues are inherent in the paints used for his skin tone

There were two key issues I had to resolve. Firstly, the shadowed areas of his forehead creases were too wide and transitions were too abrupt. Apart from the forehead, the other issue involved Bronn's upper lip which was indistinguishable from his mustache. Both mistakes only came to my attention when I took macro photographs of Bronn's face (before pictures can be seen here) as they were not really visible to the naked eye. But the mistakes still rankled so I went back in with a Kolinksy Sable brush to touch up his forehead creases as well as paint his upper lip back on to the face.

I have seen dwarfs and dragons but it's the lioness that scares me

So Bronn is about done. All that's left to do is give him a once over and touch up any spots I may have missed. Hopefully it won't be anything major so I can post completed photos soon. Reworking Bronn's skin tone has made me realize how much I miss painting miniatures. As such I'll try to work in some figurine painting sessions in between time spent on my Star Wars and AFV scale model kits. Looks like I've some juggling to do with this triad of hobby projects. At the very least, it should challenge me to improve on a wider spectrum of skills. More importantly though, it'll be three times the fun. Until next time, thanks for reading and have yourself a great weekend.


  1. Wow lovely looking bust really nice details especially the facial expression. Nice work so far.

    1. Thank you Simon. :) Actually it's not a bust but a 54mm scale miniature figurine. The photos resulting from a dedicated macro lens can sometimes play tricks to the eye.

  2. Great paint-job ! Fantastic skin tone.

    1. Thank you Mario ... I was happy with how Bronn has turned out so far.

  3. What a stunning and expressive face, wonderful job my friend!

  4. Oh, it's been a time. Wonderful work here, seriously; the skin tones work perfectly. The tan is simply perfect and the face is utterly expressive; you cannot ask for more, well done.

    1. Thank you very much Suber. I'm am helped a great deal by the fantastic details on this Nocturna Models sculpture.

  5. I think you did an excellent job on matching to your previous painting and colour choices. Kudos. :)

    1. Thank you pulpcitizen. I was prepared for the worst as the wrong colours would've resulted in many more hours of unnecessary touch ups. I got really lucky with an intelligent guess.

  6. That level of detail is just incredible. Awesome work with that face- the beard work just pulls the whole face together in a somber and weary expression.

    1. Thank you so very much Prof Chaos. I'm glad you liked the results. I wanted to try and infuse a "why me" expression that seems to haunt Bronn. It came out a little too despondent but I'm still happy with the results.
