
Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Hasbro Princess Leia [WIP - General Skin Tone]

With the Lunar New Year celebrations ongoing, it's that time of the year where I get to spent precious "us-time" with my family. An eagerly awaited holiday period when each family member's free time falls in sync with one another. Of course, it goes without saying that I haven't had the opportunity to do much painting during this time. Nonetheless, I did do enough to finish painting Hasbro Princess Leia's general skin tone as you can see below. A key step towards completing this repaint project. 

Hasbro Princess Leia repaint work-in-progress - general skin tone
General skin tones aside, Leia's facial features has yet to take shape ...
... as her lips, eyes and cheek blush needs to be painted on

Each and every attempt at painting skin tone has resulted in a better understanding of how acrylic paint can be manipulated to simulate skin. For me at least this has been the case. What I've learned is no amount of how-to videos or tutorial blogs can ultimately be of help unless you practice ... a lot. Pretty obvious one would think but harder to put into action especially if you procrastinate like me.

Of all Hasbro Princess Leia's features, her hands lack the most detail ...
... making it the hardest parts to paint well

This repaint project is turning out to be a tough challenge because of the very simplicity of the Hasbro Leia action figure. With just a simple white gown, skin and hair forming the main attributes of this figurine, there's simply no place to hide when you don't paint well. It's definitely the scariest project I've attempted so far. Chances of crashing and burning are ridiculously high.    

Hasbro Princess Leia is all set for her final makeover

In addition to Hasbro Leia's general skin tone, I also touched up the whites of her diplomatic gown. Just a bit here and there to smoothen out transitions. All done in final preparation before Leia's facial features - eyes, cheek blush, lips - are painted in. And then she will be finished ... by the next post.


  1. She is looking so good, wonderful progress.

  2. You're bringing her to life :)

    1. Let's hope she gets them twinkles in her eyes :)

  3. It looks great so far ! Well done ! I'm looking forward to the facial features and finished model.

    1. Many thanks Mario. I look forward to finishing her at last too.

  4. I cannot believe the things you are able to do given the raw material. You are certainly making the most of this mini. Absolutely amazing.

    1. You say the most nicest things Suber. Thank you. :)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Phil. The outsides could be painted realistically but the insides of her palm lacked detail. Luckily they are not so noticeable.

  6. Excellent progress. Another amazing project sir. :)

  7. That is an outstanding job on the face, Kuan.
