
Monday, 27 June 2016

Star Wars Darth Vader [WIP - Upper Torso]

Painting Darth Vader isn't as straightforward nor rewarding as one would assume. After all he's just black so how hard could it be, most (non-hobbyists) would argue. Worse still, the end result isn't as satisfying nor impressive compared with a miniature/model kit that has a more colorful scheme. Painting Vader, in other words, might not be worth the effort. But then I got to thinking. This is the Dark Lord of the Sith himself. I had to paint Darth Vader. I had to. Resist the dark side, I could not.    

Bandai 1/12 scale Darth Vader, work-in-progress with head and upper torso completed

For the upper torso, I focused on Vader's chest armour with its alternating metallic gun metal and gloss black stripes, the chest panel controls, the inner/outer cloak, and his undergarments i.e. clothing with a horizontal crosshatch design. The chest armour was given a primer/basecoat of Citadel's Abaddon Black with Boltgun Metal used for the metallic stripes. Then the black stripes were glossed back up using Vallejo Gloss Varnish. Meanwhile, Vader's chest panel was painted using Citadel Skull White, Abaddon Black, Fortress Grey, Ultramarine Blue, Red Gore, Blood Red, Chainmail, Boltgun Metal, Warplock Bronze, Dwarf Bronze and Vallejo Gloss Varnish. So much paint for so little effect!  

Parts of the upper torso, after painting using Citadel and Vallejo acrylics
Originally, the breastplate had a shiny sheen on which black decals were supposed to be applied (top). Instead, I decided to basecoat it black, add metallic silver and then apply a gloss coat on the black stripes (bottom)
Details on the chest panel were also painted; no decals were used

For the upper torso's non-shiny bits namely Vader's undergarments and cloak, I used a warm matte black (pure Abbadon Black) and an even warmer black (Abbadon Black plus Kommando Khaki) respectively. Bandai's colour guide had recommended a cool black i.e. black plus a pinch of blue for the undergarments. However based on my own research on the actual costume used on the set of Return of the Jedi, I found the blacks to be 'neutral warm' - somewhat less warm than the cloak.  

Barely half complete, Bandai's Vader would still look good as a bust
My empire for an arm ... or two
A nice silhouette for s stamp, don't you think so?
A clear view contrasting the glossy black of Vader's helmet and the warm matte blacks of his cloak

Being used to some excellent detailed sculpts at way smaller scales I suppose I should be expecting great details from a 1/12 scale model kit. Nonetheless, I was still pleasantly surprised by the effort and attention Bandai's designers had put into making this one of the most, if not the most impressive Darth Vader figurine at this price range (roughly ¥2,592). Proportion-wise Bandai has nailed it! 

Back view of Vader's work-in-progress upper torso
Gloss and matte black look like two completely different colours
Proportions seen on this side view highlight just how right Bandai got this one

From here on out, there will be four main considerations when painting Darth Vader: his belt; clothing (rest of the cloak, codpiece plus undergarments); appendages; and weapon (lightsaber handles). Seeing that Vader is in 1/12 scale which is rather large; the rest of the black to be painted can be done as a single flat coat because the clothing pieces are large enough to catch light and provide sufficient contrast without having to paint in the highlights. So things should speed up considerably with only the belt and lightsaber handle providing any real challenge. As such I should be able to put up another progress post before the week is out. Until then, it's bye for now.


  1. Coming along nicely! Yes, black is a challenge to paint, and gets old pretty fast. It's not quite the same thing, but that's why it took me forever to finish painting my Ravenwing army (to which I recently added 20 new models to paint). Looking forward to see this Sith dude done.

    1. Heh heh ... 20 more black space marines. O_O I feel for you. But I'm sure it will all be worthwhile in the end for you. :)

  2. Black is certainly hard to emphasize. I added some Eschin Grey if I want the black to stand out when did my Vader for a Christmas Gift a few years back.

    1. Eschin Grey looks like a warm grey. Never seen the colour in person before. Although it's supposed to be the equivalent for Shadow Grey it kinda doesn't look the part. It does however look very nice in its own right. Thanks for the heads up! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Whoa nice to see you posting comments again Lord AK. ^_^
      Thanks so much!

  4. You are taking this to another level. The Force is still strong in you...

    1. Why then can't I force choke anyone??? O_o ^_^
      Heh heh thanks Suber! :)

  5. Excellent progress and work. You are doing my favorite star wars character great justice!

    1. Very kind words indeed ... thank you :)
      Not too sure if I have a favourite SW character ... push comes to shove it would be a character I love drawing and at this point in time it would be Leia. ^_^

  6. Didn't know there's so much thought to be put into painting diferent blacks. I'm truly impressed so far.

    1. Truthfully though ... my blacks are pretty lame. At most I would add another colour in it or perhaps a wash or two. There are so many other painters who can do black better than I can out there in the blogosphere. :)

  7. Replies
    1. Your faith in the dark side is reassuring. ;)
