
Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Star Wars TIE FIghter [WIP - Solar array wing and Death Star base]

Work on the Bandai 1/72 scale TIE Fighter is on the final stretch now with the completion of its solar array wings and the Death Star base it stands on. The TIE Fighter's wings colour scheme mirrored that of its command pod with the solar array itself painted a matte black. Although I toyed with the idea of dry-brushing the solar array with various metallic paints, the amount of work involved meant I ended up leaving it at matte black. Such gargantuan efforts are best left to larger scaled models.   

TIE Fighter Solar Array Wings 1/72 scale, outer panels
TIE Fighter Solar Array Wings 1/72 scale, inner panels to be attached to wing pylons

Initially I had wanted to leave the wings and base 'clean' i.e. without adding a black wash/panel lining to both. In the end going without was never a viable option because the parts looked 'off' and lacked depth without application of the black wash/panel lining. So out came the Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color as well as cotton buds and enamel paint thinner to clean the excess black enamel paint/wash.  

TIE Fighter wing brace after (left) and before (right) black wash/panel lining

While a pure black wash/lining works for the wings due to its darker blue grey colour, it looks too dark for the lighter neutral grey base. I should've used the 2:1 black to grey Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color mixture, which I had prepared for the Millennium Falcon, on the base. But it's too late now.  

Death Star base in all its original 'toy plastic look'
Death Star base after application of the Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color (black)
Death Star base after a final matte clear coat to rid it of its plastic sheen

So the stage is now set for my final reveal of the TIE Fighter, Empire Strikes Back style. Only two minor things left to assemble, namely the clear green laser shots and display stand. Soon, one of the finest fighters of the Imperial fleet will be ready to take down some rebel scum! ^_^


  1. Continually impressive and I love how the base sprung to life so quickly.

    1. It's never ceases to amaze me how a simple wash/panel lining can do so much. :)

  2. it's getting better every time!

  3. Wow...the effect just the panel lining has!

    1. Ha ha ... panel lining and washes always makes us painters look good. :)

  4. Sweet. The matte black is the right call.

    1. Thanks Finch, I agree wholeheartedly! Gloss would've looked weird.

  5. Cannot wait to see the final product. Excellent work as always. :)

    1. Thank you pulpcitizen, your kind words are always a boost to my ego. :)

  6. What all the others said! I'm continously learning from your work :O

    1. Wow, that's such a nice thing to say Suber. Thank you. I'm not sure what a talented painter like yourself has to learn from me though. :)
