
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Nurgle Chaos Chosen [WIP - Demonic flesh & loincloth]

Being the squeamish sort, I couldn't help but feel slightly ill while painting the skin tone of the Demonic face seeking to consume the Nurgle Chaos Chosen's right shin. Perhaps that was a sign I could be getting the hues for the supernatural flesh spot on, at least I would like to think so. There was something about the sickly skin tone atop a yellowish green background that just rubbed me the wrong way. The combination of colours, all round, seemed off and yet so right for the piece.

Demonic face on the Nurgle Chaos Chosen's right shin

To mitigate these effects, I tried to put some bright pastel cheer back into the miniature without turning it into a Hello Kitty moment. For that, I chose a light purplish fleshy hue for the loincloth. I meant to simulate necrotic flesh but in a more cheerful kind of way. Not making much sense am I? Well, to put it another way, I wanted the hues of decaying flesh without inducing a vomit reaction.  

Nurgle Chaos Chosen, work-in-progress at about 65% (or less) completion
Yet to be lit up, his eyes will need to be of a colour that stands out and blends in - an oxymoronic hue if you will
Right pauldron is in need of a symbol ... no idea yet what it'll be at this moment

Meanwhile, more demonic fleshy bits were added to the bolter on the Chosen one's left hand. To harmonise with the existing hues, the colour scheme for this flesh-on-weapon fell between the sickly green of the face and the purples of necrotised flesh. The best (or worst) of both worlds.

Demonic flesh is also corrupting the Chaos Chosen's bolter

As a scale comparison, I placed a standard 31 mm paperclip next to the Nurgle Chaos Chosen miniature. Individually, both the demonic face and loincloth barely came to one third of the paperclip while the flesh on the bolter was even smaller. At this scale, getting the right hue was a real pain.

Scale comparison between the Nurgle Chaos Chosen and a standard 31-mm paperclip

Even at this fairly advanced stage of completion, I have so far managed to resist the urge to randomly splash washes and technical paints such as Nurgle's Rot to 'dirty up' the model. Currently, the most I plan to do is to introduce rust to inject some orangey hues into the overall scheme. Hopefully, I will be able to stick to my original plan of making him look 'eewwy' without the 'gooey' stuff. Easier said than done but hopes springs eternal. Hope and Nurgle, now that's a laugh and a half.


  1. Really liking where this is going, I totally get the colour problem and I think you've found a very good balance with the necrotic flesh, it's just rich enough without being too eye-catching.
    The rust will definitely add some vibrance in teh whole model, really looking forward to seeing how you do that. the eye colour is also an important choice.
    With only 6 of them to paint you're actually making me consider getting those chosen out for a little lick of paint now !
    IN the meantime I'll continue to enjoy yor WIP in this one ;)

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback!!! ^_^
      I'm actually going to try out a new weathering kit to recreate the rust effects on the Nurgle Chosen as I feel Citadel's Ryza Rust doesn't quite cut it. Not for this piece anyway. And I agree, the eye colour is so important ... I just feel I'm going to completely mess it up. A wrong eye colour choice could sound the death knell for this model and waster hours of work.

  2. Looking great so far .... Looking forward to see the finished version ! Greetings

  3. Strange and beautiful...I love this!

    1. Merci Phil! I equally like it and fell yucky when looking at it so far ... LoL :)

  4. The detailing on this is insanely good, what a triumph.

    1. Many thanks Michael. The superb sculpting means half the job is already done before I begin.

  5. Personally, I always try to go for the vomiting reaction route with my Nurgle stuff LOL

    Great looking model--- just put some blood and slime and guts hanging out... Oh wait. There I go again.

    (Seriously, looks great)

    1. LoL XD ... I'm a wuss when it comes to dirtying up a paint job. I'm going to force myself to paint a rusted decaying vehicle one day just to break through that mental barrier I have.

  6. Replies
    1. Again, thanks Prof! Your kind comments are always welcome. :)

  7. Things are proceeding nicely, sir. Looks terrific.

  8. Spectacular!! You are taking this one far beyond any expectations!

    1. You are way too kind Suber. :) Please continue ... LoL ... XD ... seriously, thanks Suber.

  9. Outstanding! It certainly looks suitably scary to me.

    1. Thanks Moiterei ... I'm caught between making it look gross and nice at the same time. :)
