
Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Ork Painboy [WIP - Skin, eyes and pants] & An Ode to the Gods of Chaos

Neglected and gathering dust, the Warhammer 40K miniatures in my collection remind me of the toys in Toy Story, only worse .... much worse. Some lie primed and abandoned, others half assembled without even a primer coat and yet more lie NIB (new in the box). Sick of the situation, I've decided I had better start doing something about it. So as a new beginning, the Ork Painboy is now back on the painting table while I'm gathering ideas on colour schemes to use for my ode to the gods of Chaos.   

Ork Painboy work-in-progress on its head: skin and eyes
Skin colour limited to Citadel Orkhide Shade, Knorloc Green, Gretchin Green ...
... and a wash of Citadel Athonian Camoshade to tie them all together

For the Ork Painboy, I will be painting it from the inside out. Essentially what this means is painting will start from the deeper niches of the miniature to the outer layers and from the central axis (torso and legs) towards the outer limbs (both arms and their respective implements). And to keep from being overwhelmed by the Painboy's many small details, they will be painted one section at a time.  

Colours inspired by a certain great noble house of Westeros
Bright orange PVC pants, the kind only an Ork can pull off

To prevent the Warhammer 40K projects from getting stale, a slightly different approach had to be taken especially towards colour schemes. Previously, I would assiduously research the White Dwarf magazines and respective army codices to get the colours exactly right. Well, no more. Priority would lie in creating (hopefully) pleasant colour combinations. Some leeway will be given to at least getting the clan or chapter emblems correct. But in the end it will be as it should be, all about the colours. Why else would the Ork Painboy suddenly sport a garish and supremely bright orange PVC pants.

An Ode to the Gods of Chaos   

Chaos Space Marines soon to be dedicated to (from left) Nurgle, Slaanesh,Tzeentch and Khorne
All the miniatures are from the Dark Vengeance starter set

If colours are the whole point then the Chaos Gods have a whole kaleidoscope of them. From the sickly greens of Nurgle to angry reds of Khorne and mysterious blues of Tzeentch as well as sadistic purples of Slaanesh. That's going to be difficult but fun. There is that. To make this possible, four Chaos Space Marines from the Dark Vengeance set will be used. Only time will tell if attempts to kick start my Warhammer 40K project will take hold. Four chaos marines and an ork will be the first step.


  1. Nice work on the ork! Good luck with the marines. I am still hurting from them. So much damned detail on them o_O

    1. Yep, you are so right. There great thing about GW stuff is that they have amazing details. But with so much details, painting can sometimes become a chore if approached wrongly. Best of times, worst of times kinda scenario.

  2. Great job F.E.M.! The ork's skin looks very good, and what can you say about those pants?!

    1. LoL. Those pants are way too bright. But I had to do it. I just had to.

  3. Great start!
    i have many models left on my shelter too!

    1. I think miniature painters all over the world has a closet full of unpainted miniatures. We cannot avoid it. :)

  4. Great work on the ork ! I love the pants ! What colors do you use ?

    1. Thanks Mario. I believe they were painted using the oranges and yellows of Vallejo Model Colour starting from Scarlet/Orange Red to Light Orange to Flat Yellow with a Sepia Wash at the end.

    2. It looks fantastic ! And big thanks for sharing !

  5. Coming along really well - makes me want to paint some Orks!

    1. Orks and Chaos Space Marines are the only two armies I have in my GW collection. Funnily enough, both have an insane level of detail. :)

  6. Really nice! Good to see you back to 40K for a while. I like the choice of minis for your project,really looking forward to see more! :) I believe your approach is going to be interesting, setting your mind free and using a wide palette. Oh, sir, may the Four Gods assist you! Oh, and of course Gork! (or probably Mork!)

    1. Thank you Suber. Wow ... imagine having the power of 4+2 gods. Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha!
