
Wednesday, 15 April 2015

A new title for my blog

After weeks of agonising over what to rename my blog, I finally settled on something simple and straightforward i.e. Art and Musings of a Miniature Hobbyist. It's definitely a mouthful but it will have to do for now as I couldn't for the life of me come up with anything catchy or clever. However, it's more relevant to what I currently blog about. With the passage of time, I have grown in this hobby and now paint miniatures of all sizes from various product lines. Moreover, I've taken more than a passing interest in drawing and plan to slowly develop my skills in both portrait and figure drawing. And if in the future I start learning to sculpt miniatures myself, the new blog title remains applicable. 

URL for this blog remains the same ( with only the title changing. Hopefully, you will still join me as I seek to master the art of drawing as well as miniature painting.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Simon ... it's a little wordy though. ^_^

  2. Replies
    1. LoL ... now there's a thought. If only I can make my thoughts artistic. :)

  3. All good! Art is art. I'm in :)

    1. Thanks Zab, glad to have you on-board ... still. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Much appreciated Paradox0n, thanks for the support. :)

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Fed, I was trying to think of something witty, clever and short but no luck. ^_^

  6. I like it! But hey, I'd follow this blog regardless of name. Your work is awesome and actually motivates me. If you are getting back into drawing, I may have to pop over a bit more often. I USED to be a damn good artist, but I haven't drawn anything in almost two decades. Looks like something else I'm gonna learn from you! :-)
    Keep up the good work!

    1. Once a good artist, ALWAYS a good artist. I'm sure it's like riding a bike, once you start drawing again it will all come back to you. ^_^
      I do hope you start drawing again and posting them up on your site.

  7. The Warhammer 40K part of me wants the "Dark Millennium" back LOL

    1. LOL ... me too. It's not easy letting go of my old title after all these years.

  8. How about Art and Musings of a Miniature Hobbyist In he Dark Millennium...?

    1. Ha ha ... nah, dark millennium sounds kinda dark for what I am trying to do. It's like wearing goth to a Barbie-themed birthday party ... NOT that I would be caught dead in said party. ^_^

  9. I have made the appropriate title-change on my blogroll.

  10. Nice. Best wishes for this new beginning! :)

    1. Thank you Suber ... now to come up with a unique piece of art that I can sell for a gazillion dollars. ^_^
