
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Knight Models The Hulk [Completed]

With two main parts of the Knight Models The Hulk 1/28th scale miniature already completed earlier - namely his skin tone and denim jeans - finishing this green superhero's overall paint job was pretty easy. The base was done up with dry brushing and washes while The Hulk's face required more detailed brush work, especially to help define the pupils as well as each individual tooth (of which the lower row was better defined than the upper one due to my own missteps but I was too darn lazy to rectify seeing that they were not truly visible to the naked eye - only a macro lens can show this up).  

Closeup of the Knight Models The Hulk 1/28th scale miniature

Working on this Knight Model figure primarily allowed me to improve my skin tone wet blending and layering skills as well as try to perfect my take on painted denim texture. As The Hulk was practically all skin and pants, I could fully concentrate on both techniques without worrying too much about keeping neat lines amongst many small details as is the case for most of my other miniatures.  

Knight Models The Hulk [Completed]
Nicely sculpted musculature made it easier to define shadows and highlights on The Hulk's skin
An exposed rusty pipes added some variety to an otherwise humdrum base

All in all I found Hulk an easy miniature to paint with the main challenges arising from trying to get smooth transitions on his skin tone and a realistic denim texture on his jeans. Easy to paint but doing it well is another matter entirely, something I do not lay claim to in my finished piece you see here.  

Base comprises three different layers of asphalt which didn't show up clearly in the photo  
Back view of the Knight Models The Hulk [Completed]
Hulk's pants were painted to resemble denim texture

Hulk's base was dry brushed with varying shades of grey before brown hues were added to show the different layers present in a cracked asphalt road. An exposed pipe below Hulk's right leg was painted to resemble a rusted bronze pipe. Finally some black and brown washes were applied to tie the whole thing together. All of it was pretty humdrum stuff as bases is my Achilles heel in miniature painting. 

The Hulk didn't require a lot of head scratching to determine its colour scheme

360 view of Knight Models The Hulk
To view The Hulk in 360 degrees, please check out the YouTube video below. For videos of other selected miniatures I have painted, please visit my YouTube channel FourEyedMonster Miniatures. Please remember to choose high definition (HD) for the best video viewing option.

Thus far, all the figures in my Marvel Universe miniature painting project have been superheroes namely Iron Man, Logan, Spider-Man and The Hulk. I suppose it's about time I started work on a supervillain instead. To kick off the darker half of this project, I plan to prep Loki (infamous step brother of Thor) as soon as I finish painting some other miniatures that are in their final stages.

Meanwhile, in keeping with my continuing reading binge I picked up a more serious novel this time by Haruki Murakami titled Sputnik Sweetheart, a dark novel with loneliness as its main theme. While not everyone's cup of tea, Murakami's works are enjoyable for the characters that he brings to life via words. Thus far, this being his second book I have read after Norwegian Wood, I have found myself eagerly turning the pages of his work, driven by curiosity as to what is going to happen next to his characters. Only negative to all this reading is less time for my miniatures. Oh well ... c'est la vie!


  1. Fantastic work ! Very real !

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks luca, I was hoping to make it look realistic.

  3. Immediately we want to be his friend...great job!

    1. Ha ha ... it would be great to have the Hulk as my friend. Then he can crush all my enemies ... muah ha ha ha.

  4. You really nailed this one!

  5. Excellent finish! Amazing job F.E.M.

    1. Thanks Bob, I was worried that the final touches i.e. the eyes would spoil the whole thing but I'm glad I didn't do too much damage.

  6. Wow, I told you before, but I never get tired of repeating it, you really make the colours work wonderfully. Excellent transitions and tones. Bravo!

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind comments Suber. I'm humbled and hope that I will continue to improve so as to produce stuff worth looking at.

  7. Outstanding, Kuan. Your observation about uncomplicated figures is spot-on. Being able to focus on just a few colors can be a welcome change from the norm.

    1. Thank you Finch. Yeah, sometimes we need to focus on the simple stuff to become better rather than fuss over too many details and not improve.

  8. Wow...this is one of the best hulks I've seen! Really nice work! Such wonderful greens!

    1. Truly humbled Greg, thanks. I've seen much better Hulks than mine but I do truly appreciate your kind supportive words!

  9. He's gorgeous! You've really made this figure a masterpiece. Especially your fine shading on the skin tone makes it pop.

    1. Thanks Moiterei, the skin tones look a bit rough when closeup especially when viewed through a macro lens. However, I am improving (I hope) as in the past my skin tones looked rough even from far.

  10. Great work on this one, and while the base is simple I think it looks perfectly fine and complements the mini well. Really like the skin, looks just like the Hulk should look! :)

    1. Thank you Adam. I was aiming for a more realistic (real-life) looking Hulk although I did use comics as my reference. Weird huh?

  11. This is incredible work. I really thought it was a pic of a production model from the new movie- it looks THAT good. The green skin tones are very realistic (for a green monster, that is).

    1. Truly truly humbled by your comments Prof. Thank you very much. There are much better looking Hulks around but I'm indeed glad I did not mess up this piece as it's one of the more expensive miniatures out there.
