
Saturday, 15 November 2014

Ax Faction Zombie Hunter [WIP - Base]

When working on Ax Faction miniatures, I have come to expect highly detailed bases. The Zombie Hunter is no exception with it's cliff-like structure with a dead zombie (hey, an oxymoron) sprawled at the bottom. I love a mini with a well sculpted base as it saves me the trouble of creating my own. 

Ax Faction Zombie Hunter, work-in-progress with just the base completed

While I am pretty sure the Ax Faction Zombie Hunter's base was meant to be painted as a small stone cliff, it also had a texture that reminded me of a gnarled tree bark. So with that in mind, I primarily used dry brushing and washes to replicate the texture as well as colours found on tree bark. 

Base was sculpted in such a way that I felt it could be painted either as a small stony cliff or gnarled tree bark
Back of the base was painted to somewhat resemble wood grain

In keeping with the wood-theme, I also tried painting the back of the base to somewhat resemble wood grain. At this stage, it looks like it will need a fair bit more work before I am happy with it.

Tree bark was painted primarily via a combination of dry brushing and washes
Zombie on the base is highly detailed and will be the part painted next
Good details on the base made painting it fun and easy

Next up for the 32-mm Ax Faction Zombie Hunter will be the zombie at the foot of the base. I have a rough idea of the skin tone I want to achieve but still no clue as to what colour I should use for its cloak. That in turn will determine the colour scheme for the Zombie Hunter himself. Well, that's it for this short update on my miniature project pipeline. Thanks for reading and have a good weekend.


  1. very interesting mini and a very good start!
    waiting for more.

    1. Thanks luca, for following my progress on the Zombie Hunter.

  2. I do love the look of this range and have often been tempted - love the progress so far.

    1. Thank you Michael, these minis are highly detailed in spite of their smallish size.

  3. Well well well, this is going to look great. The base is lovely just on its own, I'm looking forward to see the rest.

    1. Yep I agree, the Ax Factions bases are so awesome. :)

  4. That is an awesome base! Are you planning on doing anything with the zombie having entrails coming out of his torso? (or just stopping it at the edge?)

    1. Most likely stopping it at the edge seeing how super lazy I am most of the time. ^_^

  5. Beautiful sculpts these dude!

  6. Looks like a promising start. If your Spiderman is anything to go by I'm pretty sure this will be awesome as well.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence Moiterei, very kind of you.

  7. Great start! Give us a scale shot next time. I have a few AX Faction minis. I don't think people get just how petite they really are. That will give folks some context for how talented you are :)

    1. You are right Zab, in fact my missus keeps bugging me to include a size reference as the macro shot makes the miniature look huge. As for me being talented ... how very kind of you to say so, although I sincerely feel I have a long way to go before casual observers look at my painted minis and go 'wow'.

  8. That's a really nice model! Looking good with the base. You thinking of making the zombie kind of blend into the background or stand out in its gory-ness?

    1. Very good question spunkybass, my natural tendency is to blend it into the background so that the hunter stands out instead ... unless of course I botch up the hunter's paint job in which case I will make the zombie stand out. LoL XD

  9. Looking good! The woodgrain effect on the back of the base is already very convincing.

    1. Thank you Finch, I am thinking that it looks a bit off due to the fact that I lifted my brush towards the end (bottom) so the so-called woodgrain effect kinda tails off. But much appreciated for sure!

  10. the mignature is very dynamic! I'm dying to see how it will look like at the next step :)

    1. Many thanks Fed, I am also looking forward to how it will look like because at the moment I sincerely have no idea ... LOL ... ^_^

    2. ahahahah well, having no idea is the best starting point, isn't it? ;) In the end it will look gorgeous I'm sure!
