
Friday, 31 October 2014

Grot Orderly of the Bad Moonz Clan [Completed]

Once when I was young, I momentarily harboured the idea of pursuing a career in medicine. Then, I asked myself if I was truly willing to dedicate my entire live towards the service of the poor and sick. Ashamedly, my answer was no. I couldn't reconcile between my selfish desires to live a normal life with lots of family time and that of a selfless health care worker. So to me, nothing is more horrifying than health care workers who kill patients with their ineptitude and indifference. This brings me to my piece for this year's Halloween, a bumbling Grot Orderly who calls himself Baldrick Greenadder. 

Meet Baldrick Greenadder, grot orderly extraordinaire and assistant to the Ork Painboy
With so much blood on him, things don't seem to be going too well for the patients
If your health care worker has this expression on his or her face ... run

Because I couldn't really make out all the items that were placed on Baldrick's surgical tray, I had to make things up as I went along. Hopefully you can spot some of the items listed below:
1. Magnet - For pulling out those hard to reach bullets;
2. Surgical knife - For slicing and dicing those damaged parts away;
3. Rusted blades - For initiating a medical procedure the orks lovingly call Gangrene-sectomy;
4. Piece of dirty cloth - For bandaging wounds as orks believe dirt helps initiate blood clotting;
5. Metal rods - For when all else fails, it doesn't hurt to poke around for a solution. 

Can you spot the surgical knife, magnet, spare blades, extra cloth and some pokey things on the tray?

Baldrick's cloths were painted in a colour that you would usually see in a human health care worker while some yellow bands of cloth were added to indicate where the Grot Orderly's loyalty lies i.e. the Bad Moonz Clan. The only other clothing on him were the bandages which had some blood effects painted on them using, for the first time in my miniature paint works, the Tamiya Clear Red X-27.  

Baldrick seems to have a lot of arterial blood on his work clothes ... not good
Grot Orderly's pants were painted in the colours of a hospital orderly's attire

One key challenge I faced when painting the Grot Orderly was trying to make the liquid in the syringe look realistic. Though I can't say if I truly managed that, it was my first try at painting a liquid inside a clear container so I certainly hope to get better at it in the future. The liquid is blue in colour because Orks use a human drug called Viagra which serves like a shot of adrenalin for them.

Is that a liquid solution of Viagra in the syringe?
Thin line of highlight was applied to simulate reflection of a cylinder glass syringe
Side view (right) of the Grot Orderly

I hope you liked meeting Baldrick Greenadder. But I hope too for your sake you never have to meet one yourself whether in-spirit or in-real-life. Happy Halloween and go give yourself a good scare.


  1. Excellent painting. You did a great job on the liquid Viagra. X-27 is a great way for painting blood stains. To make it look less like arterial blood I usually mix it with some black wash.

    1. Thanks Moiterei for compliment as well as tip on making the blood look less red.

  2. He looks great! Beautiful paint job (and nice sculpt!)....

    1. Thanks Phil ... yes he is a nice sculpt for one so small.

  3. Wow, that's an amazing work again! Everything is gorgeous, but the syringe is absolutely outstanding! I've tried the effect a few times, but always failed. I must dare again using your pics as a guide. :)

    1. Thank you very much Suber ... I have seen it done way better than what I achieved here but I guess it helped that I used blue because the colours were easier to manage for this effect, especially it being my first try.

  4. Superb! Some many wonderful details on this, from the gruesome tools of his trade to the syringe - great job Sir.

    1. Thanks Michael ... I am glad you like them. :)

  5. This is an amazing job, on a model that is so tiny it's difficult to even know these details exist. I honestly didn't know there was so much stuff on the tray! Really spectacular job.

    1. Much appreciated Greg. I couldn't really make out most of the stuff on the tray myself so I just made them up and painted accordingly.

  6. great mini for Halloween!
    the details are fantastic and the liquid inside the syringe is astonishing!
    my compliments!

    1. Thank you luca ... I am happy the syringe turned out better than I hoped it would.

  7. Looks great, 4EM. The painted reflection running the length of the syringe really seals the deal. At first glance I thought you had used gloss varnish and I was looking at an actual reflection.

    1. Thanks Finch. It's only now that I understand why some painters choose painted reflections over gloss varnish ... it gives the painter better control on how the reflections will look to the viewer/observer.

  8. Awesome work on the syringe and blood effects, great mini :)

  9. Love it! So much character in the l'il dude!

  10. A bit late I finally enjoy your halloween piece and I can see that it's still enjoyable! Most of all I love the contrast between the green of the skin and the red of blood, that's so appropriate with the theme! :)

    1. Grazie Fed, I am glad you liked him. Btw, I loved your Halloween piece too. ^_^
