
Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Whole lotta prepping: superhero, heroine and anti-hero

With most of my current miniature projects nearing completion, the cycle starts again with a massive amount of prepping for a whole new set of miniatures to replace those nearing the end of the current project pipeline. Although prep work is satisfying in its own way, I can't help but wish that more miniatures would come at least 90% to 100% semi-assembled to make life easier. But I would still prefer to retain control of the priming stage (vs pre-primed minis) as I have gained enough experience to be able to lay on a nice even thin coat of primer in most times when humidity isn't a bear.  

Knight Models Hulk, Nocturna Models Enchantment and Ax Faction Zombie Hunter

It has become a norm or habit for me to concurrently work with miniatures of differing sizes so in my work table now I have the Knight Models The Hulk and Nocturna Models Enchantment which are both 1:28 (or around 70-mm) scale and the Ax Faction Zombie Hunter which is in 32-mm scale.

Knight Models The Hulk, assembled and ready for priming

Although both The Hulk (see above) and Enchantment (see below) resin miniatures are of the same scale, the former superhero is obviously larger in size next to the latter heroine so I will still be working with miniatures of differing sizes. While The Hulk is well known and needs no explanation on how I will be going about its paintjob, that really isn't the case with Enchantment. The latter figure has been tackled very well by a fellow blogger Adam and having seen his version, the official version as well as other colour schemes attempted by other painters online I have a rough idea of what I plan to do with her. More of this in future posts but my inspiration will be the lovely Daenerys Targaryen.

Nocturna Models Enchantment, semi-assembled (head straps unattached) and ready for priming

And then there is the Ax Faction Zombie Hunter which I believe is at 'true' 32-mm scale which means it's small and will be a challenge for my painting skills. Working on sizes big and small is the only way to improve on your painting in my honest opinion. Miniatures of differing scales allow you to better understand the intricacies of blending and layering acrylic paints, and practice doing them.

Ax Faction Zombie Hunter, semi-assembled, dry-fitted and yes, ready for priming

For size comparison, I also prepped and assembled two 'heroic' 28-mm scale Games Workshop resin miniatures namely the Ork Painboy and his grot orderly, both of which I also plan to work on concurrently to the three shown above. As you can see from the immediate photo below, in terms of actual size both W40K characters allow me to work with even more differently sized miniatures.  

An Ork Painboy and Grot Orderly adds to the to-do list as well as offers a size comparison

All the miniatures above have yet to be primed. Five would have been plenty seeing that I still have some projects still in early stages of painting (there is a half-painted dragon, Westeros knight and two wood elf goddesses to name a few) but noooo ... I just had to be a smart ass and add yet two more primed miniatures to the immediate to-do list in what would have induced the below reaction from Lily Aldrin (a character in the TV sitcom How I Met Your Mother) if she were a miniature painter.

So this means the Super Dungeon Explore Hexcast Sorceress and the Dark Sword Female Bard now has the dubious honour of being in my immediate (but still unpainted) to-do list. I will clarify on what I intend to do with these two as I start painting them so more on them on later blog posts.

Super Dungeon Explore Hexcast Sorceress prime with Tamiya Super Fine Light Grey
Dark Sword Female Bard that upon second viewing may need a further light coat of primer

Phew ... that's a lot of miniatures but I have even more ideas running around in my head on what to do with some Dark Angel Space Marines which I plan to paint in super duper bright colours. Why? Well I don't think I am going to ever field a Space Marine army on the wargaming table so I might as well use them as painting practice. But those ideas remain lodged firmly on the sprue because I am experiencing extreme prepping fatigue. If you ask me, someone should start "Preppers Anonymous" and all meetings must start with ... Hello I am so and so and I sniff err hate super glue. ;)


  1. Hahaha, great post, it looks like you are going to be a busy bee in the near future! Go for it, I can't wait to see all those painted! :)

    1. Thanks Suber ... I am always excited when a miniature project is about to start. The hard part sometimes is to maintain the interest at high levels at all times (which is humanly impossible seeing how we are so easily distracted by the next new shiny thing) to ensure the paint job is consistently 'good'. ^_^

  2. Well tere'll be some real eyecandy here on this blog in the near future me thinks.

    1. I hope so too. For sure these miniatures deserve to be painted well.

  3. Oh man, that's a lot of minis to paint :) Can't wait to see the first colors! And thanks for mentioning me :)

    1. No problem. Getting inspired by fellow painters is the name of the game. :)

  4. you have such great minis to work on!
    i can't wait to see the painting, in the meanwhile, i tell you that me and my wife are both fans of "games of thrones" and "how i met your mother" too.

    1. Ooooo very nice to know that you and your wife are fans too. Though I must admit I really hated the HIMYM ending. It felt really wrong somehow although my son called it correctly.

  5. Some cool stuff on the table, I see. Look forward to seeing your progress.

    Sign me up for Preppers Anonymous. I'm in the same boat as you at the moment.

    1. Thanks Finch ... yeah I hear you. Prepping can be very tedious at times.

  6. That is ambitious! Someone's going to be real busy for the next couple of months!

    1. Hopefully I have not bitten off more than I can chew ... what's worse is I am starting to get the itch to prep a few more minis ... sigh. Might be indirectly procrastinating on getting back to painting again. :)
