
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Dusting off my W40K minis; Ork Warboss [WIP - Skin]; and a NIB Dark Vengenace Limited Edition set for sale

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, if that's the case then the first three photos below just about sums up the status of my Warhammer 40K miniature projects. They are either half-painted, semi-assembled or gathering dust though thankfully some are still in their packaging so the dust can be easily cleaned. But I guess now is a good time as any to dust some of them off - especially Orks which are my son's favourite - since I am trying to paint up a small Ork army to complement his rekindled interest in the Warhammer 40K Dawn of War II Retribution computer strategy game.    

Half-painted, semi-assembled and gathering dust ...
... that about sums up most if not all of my W40K miniature projects
Enthusiasm for this Ork Trukk haven't really kicked off yet hence it's sad state

I wasn't in the mood to deal with a model which required metallic paints for most of its surface area so that ruled out the Ork Trukk. Instead, I looked at the very first W40K miniatures I ever owned i.e. the Assault on Black Reach (AOBR) box-set and decided to work on the Ork Warboss. Its surface area had a nice organic-to-metal ratio as well as many small details which suited me just fine.

Assault on Black Reach Ork Warboss, work-in-progress skin tone
AOBR Ork Warboss has a nice organic-to-metal ratio on its surface area
Mixture of shadows and highlights on the mid-tone help define the arm's muscles

Citadel was the main acrylic paint line used to paint the Ork Warboss's skin. I went with various combinations of Orkhide Shade, Knarloc Green, Gretchin Green, Regal Blue, Bleached Bone plus use of Vallejo Model Color Oxford Blue to the mixture used to paint the deepest shadows.Working on the Ork Warboss gives me a cooling-off period from Le Petit Chaperon which in turn is helping me spot the mistakes I have made on her so far. One I have noticed already is highlights on her cheekbone where there should instead have been shadows. I am sure more will come to light soon.

Vallejo Model Color Oxford Blue was added to the shadows paint mix
Boss, what big teeth you have!

Meanwhile, having come to the realisation (actually it's more of a reluctant acceptance) that I may never have enough time to finish painting all the W40K miniatures I currently own, I have decided to sell the extra set of Dark Vengeance Limited Edition in my collection. Having bought it for RM371 back when it first came out, I am now willing to sell it for RM305 to generate cash to buy some badly needed acrylic paints. Initially bought for a huge diorama project that has since been shelved, the condition of the box set is 'new-in-box'. It has the limited edition Dark Angel Interrogator-Chaplain miniature but also contains the older 6th edition mini rulebook hence the lower-than-retail price. 

Dark Vengeance Limited Edition Set, new-in-box and available on the cheap

So if you are a local hobbyist in Kuala Lumpur seeking to get the old Limited Edition set on the cheap, just sent me an email at and we'll see if something can be worked out.


  1. AHHHHH! Dark Vengeance. Don't remind me! I'm still working my way through mine. ***Twtich, twtich***

    1. Lol ... Dark Vengeance is an excellent intro set ... I just happened to have more than I could handle. :)

  2. I was thinking about getting the Dark Vengeance too, but stopped myself just for that reason, absolutely no chance of painting it all in a looong time ;) Warbosses skin looks great, which clan will he be from?

    1. Thanks Adam. He will be from the Bad Moonz clan ... an excuse to practice painting yellow, and I guess because yellow goes great with green. :)

  3. The Warbosses skintone already looks ace!

  4. really good WIP, i like the shades on the skin!
    i have the ork trukk too, but i'm still waiting for the inspiration to build it.

    1. I had fun assembling the Ork Trukk but soon realised I had to use a lot of metallic paints to finish it which kind of me hesitate painting it ... soon it started to gather dust due to neglect. :)

  5. Once again, really nice skin tone! Dark Vengeance? Tempting. But I realized that while I've assembled everything except for the Chaos infantry in that set, I have yet to paint any of them! And in that time I've painted entire armies! That's sad. I should really go back and finish those models. On the other hand, it is tempting to pick up that box. You can never have enough Deathwing termies, Ravenwing bikes or Chaos cultists. Not to mention the Helbrute and Chosen, which are kick ass models.

    1. Cool ... if you ever decide to take the plunge just let me know. ^_^ We could always meet up at one of the local shopping malls. This is a great box set which I was initially reluctant to let go off but I have to be honest with myself in that I will unlikely ever paint a second set. :( Makes more sense to let it go at a loss and allow it to reach a better home where it will be painted. Also, any cash I can get would be invested in paints which you can never have enough of. :)

  6. You must finish that Warboss, he looks wonderful!

    1. Yah ... he has wonderful details. I am planning to finish him. :)

  7. Oi! That's a nice Ork skin! I also know that feeling of knowing (not believing, but actually knowing) that you will never be able to paint everything you own... Hope it sells well!

    1. I hope so too ... it needs a better home where it will be appreciated and more importantly painted. Need the cash to buy paints too! ^_^
