
Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Ax Faction Giant Hunter [WIP-Clothing and Weapons]

Use of Ax Faction's Giant Hunter (or Raen of Rannoch) as a proxy for Ygritte in my Game of Thrones project by means of a paint job conversion is at the early stages with work 'close to completion' for the sword while progress on her clothing is at about 70% to 80%. In a recurring theme, I didn't get a smooth enough primer coating for this highly detailed 30 plus-mm scale miniature, a setback that I hope won't return to haunt me when I start painting her hair, skin and face.

Ax Faction Giant Hunter, an early work-in-progress (WIP)

I based this Ax Faction miniature's overall colour scheme on Ygritte's winter fur clothing as seen in the Game of Thrones HBO TV series. It comprises largely of greys, blues and browns - all pretty drab stuff actually. I am hoping that such a dull coloured clothing will be a good contrast to the rosy skin tone and red hair that I will be painting on the Giant Hunter aka Raen of Rannoch aka Ygritte.

Using a 'Ygritte colour scheme' for Raen of Rannoch aka Giant Hunter

In general, I might need to add more light greyish-blues to the clothing but the final decision on this will be dependent on how the current darker shades will look on the rosy skin tone I have planned for her. Sadly I just realised that all my hard work at creating a smooth colour transition between the shadows and highlights on Ygritte's buttocks area (see last photo below) will be for nought as I forgot that the cloak will generally cover up almost the entire area ... 'face-palm dumb self'.

Colour scheme comprises greys, blues and browns
Weapon is fairly at an advanced stage of completion
All my hard work on Ygritte's behind will soon be for naught

That's about all for this short update on Ygritte. Further work on her skin and hair will depend largely on weather conditions. With haze and drought-like conditions resulting in some places in the city being put under water rationing, conditions are not too ideal for painting. But is has been raining a bit these past two days so things are looking up for my water-hungry miniature painting projects.


  1. Love the ax faction line. I am waiting for the giant hare & rider. I'm gonna pounce on that one :P

    1. Yep me too ... I love the details and poses of the Ax Faction miniatures. Did you get wild over the Feral lass too? ;P

  2. Excellent, beautiful colors...

    1. Thank you Phil. =) I kinda messed up the priming process (yet again) for this miniature so the clothing on the upper torso is a bit rough. I fear what I will encounter when I start work on the skin and face.

  3. Pretty lovely figurine , i'm enjoy to see the complete work . Great blue .
    Cheers .

    1. Thanks! I love greyish blue ... just love it. ^_^

  4. Replies
    1. You are much too kind Michael. Thank you for the support. =) Unfortunately, the more I look at the clothing (on the upper torso) the more I hate what I have done so far and it looks like there is a bit or work needed to improve it.

  5. Wow.. I need to get me some Ax Faction ladies :)

    1. Well if you need any as a Warhammer army proxy just let me know or check out my blogshop. =)

  6. Nice colours. I have ordered the giant hare, feral lass on stag, and lady on bear. Will be using them as wild riders in my wood Elf army.

    1. Thanks. =) I have already completed her which you can see on later blog posts. Yep, all three would look awesome in your Wood Elf army. ^_^

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