
Monday, 10 March 2014

Ax Faction Giant Hunter [Completed as Ygritte]

Overall, I am very pleased with how the colour scheme turned out in this paint job conversion of Ax Faction's Giant Hunter (or Raen of Rannoch) in which she was painted as Ygritte, a character in Game of Thrones. But on the other hand, I was disappointed because I did not do this beautifully sculpted resin miniature justice. It was a case of one step forward two steps back in my progress as a miniature painter.

Ax Faction Giant Hunter aka Raen of Rannoch, painted as Ygritte

One small achievement that delighted me was Ygritte's mane, which I felt was my best effort yet in painting red hair. It certainly helped that the Ax Faction Giant Hunter has one of the best sculpted hair that I have seen on miniatures of this scale. Against that personal milestone, I wasn't too pleased with my paint job on the skin because it was chalky in places (partly due to bad priming). Additionally, I didn't a very good job of simulating green veins under the skin which I tried to do by using a very thinned out green wash.    

Side view (left), Ax Faction Giant Hunter - can you spot my painting error?

I didn't really appreciate how detailed this Ax Faction miniature was until I started painting it. In hindsight, I should have been more careful during the priming process as a badly done primer coat can wreak havoc when trying to paint such detailed designs on a miniature later. But the more miniatures I prime (in lighter colours such as white and grey) the more I guess I will understand how weather and spray distance can affect the smoothness of the primer coat. This gives me hope for better primer coats in the future.

Helm on the ground was nearly painted black (as in the Night Watch) but ended up as above instead
Her beautifully sculpted hair was really fun to paint
Cloak was painted in pretty drab colours to make the hair stand out more

There was nothing much going on in the base as I didn't know how to make snow 'exciting'. All I could think of to do was to paint it as a smooth white layer with bluish shades for the shadows.

Side view (right), Ax Faction Giant Hunter aka Raen of Rannoch aka Ygritte
Oranges of Ygritte's hair went surprisingly well with her greyish-blue clothing
Skin tones on her face came out rougher than I intended it too

To give you an idea of how small this miniature is, I took a photograph of her as compared to the smallest coin in the Malaysian currency. Bottom of the based to the top of her head measures at roughly 38-mm.

Raen of Rannoch (aka Giant Hunter) painted as Ygritte, and measured against a five sen coin

360 view of Ax Faction's Giant Hunter painted as Ygritte
For a 360 degree view of the Ax Faction Giant Hunter aka Raen of Rannoch, please check out the video of the miniature below. For other videos, check out my YouTube channel FourEyedMonster Miniatures.

As always, thank you for checking out my latest work and for taking the time to read my blog. May you have a good week ahead, stay well and be happy.


  1. Great Look and Great paint Kuan , i love it , very pretty face ^-^
    Cheers .

    1. Thank you Vincent. ^_^ Yes, this Ax Faction miniature has a pretty well sculpted face.

  2. Wow she's smaller than i thought! I love the cool blue and the warm orange of her hair. Aces :)

    1. I too was surprised by how well the warm and cool colours played off each other. Definitely more than I could have hoped for in my wildest dreams. :)
