
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

My first Kolinsky paint brush

Thanks to the missus who bought me this as a gift during her work assignment in Singapore, I am now the proud owner of a Kolinsky Sable-hair paint brush or more specifically the Raphael Kolinsky Red Sable Fine Pointed Round Series 8404. Up until now, all my paint brushes have been of the cheap nylon variety which have served me well and will continue doing so for many more projects to come. However, by having the 6/0 Kolinsky brush I hope to finally paint better eyes on the miniatures. The sharp point that such brushes are famed for should be of great help in this regard.

Raphael Kolinsky Red Sable Fine Pointed Round Series 8404

Ever since I started out in this hobby, the workhorses in my painting table have been the cheap Artpac nylon brushes sized 0, 2/0 and 3/0. Although I would love to have an array of Kolinsky Sable-hair as well as airbrushes at my disposal, the sad reality is that only nylon brushes are within my budget. It was awfully nice of the missus to get me the Kolinsky brush considering it cost a whopping US$10 or thereabouts. I am super stoked but would most likely use it very sparingly to make it last longer.

Current workhorses of my painting table

Well it seems truly silly of me to get so excited over a brush but I can't help it. It's a Kolinsky. No more blaming the brush for the horribly painted eyes on my miniatures then. Heh heh ... sigh.


  1. When I finally got myself one I definitely wished that I had got one earlier. Aren't they great? At first I said that I would just use it for the super tricky parts, but now I pretty much use it for everything but base coating and other large areas.

    1. Haven't used my Kolinsky yet but looking forward to it. :)

  2. If it helps, it helps! There's no need to be embarrassed about it. Looking forward to more high quality work from you!

    1. Nah not really embarrassed, more an ambivalent feeling of being excited at what I can finally do with such a brush but tempered against the fact that some poor Siberian animal had to die for the hair to be harvested.

      I wouldn't say my work are high quality (not yet anyway) but I appreciate the sentiment. ^_^

  3. I do not know this brand but this looks to be outstanding brushes.
    Good work has you
    Cheers .

    1. Not sure about the brand itself but I am glad to get my hands on a brush with Kolinsky red sable hair. None are to be found in my own country (at least I cannot find them) so I was lucky to get them as it is.

  4. Don't worry my Dear FEM, I still have some pincel without big quality since... 10 years... and it works well ^^

    But a Raphael is a very good stuff (from France of course XD) !!

    If you could not find what you want about pincels and other stuff, I can buy and send you what you want : I live near the biggest art shop in France/Europe :

    The choice is absolutely marvelous ^^

    1. It's good to know that Raphael is a very good brand. Thanks for the information. It's also very generous of you to offer to get some hard to find art supplies direct from France. Thank you ... maybe I will take you up on your offer one day. ^_^

    2. Please, feel free to ask at this moment ^^

  5. Hi there! You have truly been lucky with your missus present. This particular brand of brush is my favourite of all brushes. I have used only pure kolinsky brushes for years, and there is nothing like it. I discovered the Raphael brushes after watching a video by Jeremie Bonamant Teboul (one of my favourite painters), ordered a few online, and have never looked back. Another brush line that is in the same league, is the winsor & newton 7 series - I use this line also. I have moved away from the smaller brushes, so mostly use only 1s and 2s nowadays. 3/0 can be used for eyes, but in general I find that the paint dries too quickly in the bristles of smaller brushes, so prefer the higher brushload of bigger brushes. If you maintain your brushes well, the point is still as good and sharp as on the 3/0 size. We'll be in touch mate :) Oyvind

    1. Hiya Oyvind, Thanks for the info. ^_^ It's great to know that I have a special brush in-hand. The news just keeps getting better and I am super lucky! :)
