
Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Knight Models Zombie Girl [WIP - Skin]

Using a combination of light purple, pale green, reddish brown and a myriad of fair skin colours, I went about painting the skin of the Knight Models Zombie Girl to try and recreate one of the zombie children shown in the Walking Dead series. Since I didn't have any recipe to work from, I painted the skin largely based on trial and error. Additional touch up work on the Zombie Girl's skin tone is dependent on how her skin plays off the final dress colours, which will be a mix of pastels.    

Knight Models Zombie Girl - initial work on the skin and eyes

As the Zombie Girl is based on the skin tone of a young white Caucasian girl, the shadings and highlights on the skin are subtle without too much emphasis on contrast. One example is the Zombie Girl's collar bone which had very subtle highlights to differentiate it from the rest of her neck.

Exposed bone can also be seen on the Zombie Girl's open wounds

Currently, the Zombie Girl's skin tone looks paler than it actually is because of the greyish unpainted dress. I am hoping her skin tone will take on more depth and contrast when seen next to a fully painted dress. If it doesn't, then I might add more shadows to her skin tone.

What a heart stopping smile
As for her hair, well blonde zombies always have more fun. Moreover, it will better suit the pale skin that I have painted on her so far as well as accentuate the gory wounds on her face and head.

Back view of the Zombie Girl's skin tone

Thanks for checking out my work-in-progress on the Knight Models Zombie Girl. For now, she is on track to be finished by Halloween. My major obstacle is deciding what colour her dress is going to be. So far, I am only sure it is going to be pastel colours but nothing more specific.


  1. Dude, your painting skills have improved tremendously!! Very nice.I say blue dress.

    1. Thanks for saying so Khairul, much appreciated. The first three colours that popped into my head were pastel blue, lavender and pink but they were all dismissed as being too predictable. Moreover, the dress cannot contrast too much with the skin tone or the whole creepy effect will be nullified. Thanks for the suggestion though, I very nearly went with a lavender blue combo. =)

  2. yellow dress with stain =)

    1. Very good call, close but no cigar. ^_^

      It was a tough call and a toss up between a pastel yellow/green combo and the pastel colours I finally decided on. My next WIP pictures would give a huge clue as to the final dress colours. It had to be very muted but at the same give enough contrast to the skin tone.

    2. pink <3 everybody love pink

  3. waaah.. very nice.

    go for green or blue dress!

    1. I was very tempted to go with a green/yellow combo but have settled for some other pastel colours instead. ^_^
