
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

House Lannister Knight & Warhorse [Completed]

With freehand paintings of the House Lannister heraldry completed, my first Game of Thrones knight on a warhorse miniature is now done. This project contained seven freehand paintings of the heraldry, which was insane from my point of view seeing that my only prior experience was to paint chequered designs on a Bad Moonz ork's weapons. But I am certainly glad I threw myself into the deep end as it has given me the confidence to attempt more complicated freehand designs of other Houses found in the continent of Westeros, the main world where George R.R. Martin's characters play out their fate.  

House Lannister Knight on a warhorse
Side view (left) of the House Lannister Knight
An alternative option would be to paint the cloth on the knight's helmet yellow

Using freehand over decals was to me key in making this mini project stand out. Then again, the choice is largely out of my hands as the existing decals found in the plastic model kit, which is the Warhammer Bretonnian Knights, are not suitable for use to represent the various Houses found in the Game of Thrones world. Some such as the dragon and lion could perhaps be used but having some miniatures with decals while others have freehand paintings would look odd in my opinion.

Banner pole is bending back slightly as if pulled back by the banner blowing in the wind
Side view (right) of the House Lannister Knight
Even after all these years, the Bretonnian sculpture looks awesome 

This Bretonnian Knight miniature conversion project marks the first of eight (for now) that will be used to represent the many Houses found in the imaginary Game of Thrones world of Westeros. Next up will be House Clegane, a close ally, or more accurately, the hatchet men of House Lannister.

Front and back view of the House Lannister Knight on a warhorse

Continuing my experimentation with videos, I shot a short video displaying the House Lannister Knight in 360 degrees. As I am still new to taking videos of miniatures, the colours came out a tad darker than expected. At the very least, it gives a better all round view of the miniature concerned.

Thanks for checking out the latest painted miniature of my ongoing Game of Thrones project. Although the Lannister Knight was a tough challenge for me, I had fun doing it. And I am really looking forward to more freehand madness in the miniatures to come.


  1. Great paintjob! The freehand is really well executed, I'm curious to see how you will tackle other sigils like a stag for example :)

    1. Thanks! ^_^ I am assuming the stag would just be lions with horns without the fur. LOL That's the future plan anyway as I haven't done any House Baratheon heraldry doodles yet.

  2. Looks amazing. I've been wanting to do similar for a long while but an unfortunate complete lack of skill has stopped me.

    1. If I can do it you can. I would rate my painting skills as average though I am trying very hard to get better. If you challenge yourself and try painting things that are beyond your current skill level you might just surprise yourself, or at the very least improve your skills in the process of trying. =)

  3. Very very nice bro. It's settled must start a bretonnian army in Lannister colors!! C'mon, I know you want to do it :)

    1. An army in Lannister colours might be a tad boring ... heh heh. If I ever tried to paint a Bretonnian army it would be a hodgepodge of various houses allied to (and including) House Lannister. ^_^

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks ... glad you like it. Although my freehand paintings of the lions could have been better, I am just glad I did not mess it up badly.

  5. You are awesome.. looking forward to the next knights

  6. He looks great. I've always loved the Brets ever since I picked up the 5th edition starter set, but Lizardmen were always first in my heart!

    1. Thanks! Warhammer has many cool armies (Lizardmen included) with the Bretonnian knights first and foremost in my must-paint list. =)
