
Thursday, 18 July 2013

Kingdom Death Pinup Savior [WIP - Skin Tone]

Long neglected, the Kingdom Death Pinup Savior finally got the attention she deserved as I started work on the miniature by painting her face, skin and stockings. Thus far, she has been a pleasure to paint as the sculpture is fairly detailed which makes a painter's job that much easier.

Kingdom Death Pinup Savior with completed flesh colours

To paint her skin, I used a paint recipe developed by a painter whose work I admire, Jen Haley. It involved the use of Reaper Master Series Paints comprising colours such as Fair Skin, Golden Skin, Tanned Skin, Ashen Brown, Fair Skin Highlight. For her eyes, I used Citadel colours such as Skull White and Chaos Black as well as the Reaper Brown Liner, which I also used to paint her garters. I plan to do a more in depth review of the Reaper Master Series Paints at a later date. 

Holes in her stockings was a nice touch to the resin sculpture

Painting the Pinup Savior's eyes was a tough challenge for me because I wanted to try painting in the light reflections on her pupils. While the overall result was not all that I wanted it to be, I hope to improve over the coming months as I have a lot of miniatures in the project pipeline that will require the painting of eyes as well as flesh/skin tones. This is one skill I am determined to master.   

On her left thigh is a small hole which is meant for the assembly of her sword

For the Pinup Savior's stockings, I wanted to achieve a see-through white nylon stocking effect. I was happy with the final result, and the sculpted holes in her stockings helped provide some depth and contrast to the overall paint job. Kudos to the sculptor for adding the stocking holes.   

Garters make the stockings stand out even more

Initially, I had used the Reaper Brown Liner on her garters as a means to block out the area before painting a more dark and opaque colour. However, I really liked the translucent effect the Brown Liner had on the flesh, not unlike what you would see on some real-life stockings, so I left it as it is.

Small of her back had been damaged slightly from a previous incident

Although the paint job on the small of her back was quite rough, I had expected this because of a certain incident with this miniature. This particular area had the worse of it when I tried to remove the initial primer with a hobby knife, resulting in her back being damaged by knife marks.

Long legged beauty
Even looking at her sideways, you can tell that the miniature has been wonderfully sculpted
From this angle, the shading on her abs is more visible

Well, I can't wait to continue painting the Kingdom Death Pinup Savior. Currently finding a suitable checkered design for her skirt. I am also trying to decide between painting her as a blond, red/auburn or black haired beauty. It will have to match the colour of her skirt which will be predominantly blue. Stay tuned for further progress reports on the Pinup Savior! 

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