
Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Orks, orks and more orks

Remember the famous line from Haley Joel Osment in the movie Sixth Sense, “I see dead people”.
Well, I see orks everywhere on my workstation, in different stages of completion – some are partially-painted, most semi-assembled, the majority have only been undercoated black and yet more of them are still just in their boxes.

Over the past few weeks, I did however manage to get one measly Ork Nobz from the Assault on Black Reach set done up. The many details of an ork miniature kinda slows down my paint speed. Delightful to paint but extremely time consuming to get done. Took some pictures of it with a Canon EOS 650D + Tamron SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di Macro Lens.


Still getting to grips with the camera so photos should get better over time. Currently I am just snapping away using the macro function with manual focus without bothering too much with the apreture and ISO settings. As coincidence would have it, my camera phone sort of went “kaput” within days of me getting access to the DSLR and macro lens. For some reason, the camera phone can now no longer save to an external memory. If I didn't know any better, one would think it was throwing a hissy fit.

Wasn't sure I could properly paint the details with the Ork Lootas fully assembled

It was really difficult to position the ork's left hand above the big shoota

Ork Trukk driver ... insists the other orks call him Takumi-san

Ork Trukk was a real blast to assemble. Really had fun with it. Still missing the boarding planks that I plan to attach later

There are 10 Ork boyz and 3 Deffkoptas still in their undercoats awaiting further paints

Being able to get my hands on one of the cheaper macro lenses on the market (i.e. the Tamron macro lens) also allowed me to mess around with some close-up shots and do the below mini-tutorial on How To Paint Ork Skin (Version 1).

Basecoat of Orkhide Shade was painted over the Chaos Black undercoat and given a wash of Devlan Mud

A mid-tone of Knorloc Green was painted on the raised areas leaving some Orkhide Shade showing on the recesses

A highlight layer of 1:1 Knarloc Green : Goblin Green was painted leaving some of the mid-tone layer showing

Extreme higlights were painted on the upper-most raised areas using a 1:1:1 mix of Knarloc Green:Goblin Green:Bleached Bone

Finished with a wash of Thraka Green
I haven't gotten around to using the new Citadel Paints yet. Was thinking to do that on a brand new Hobbit project that I am contemplating.
On the whole, it might not seem like a whole lot of progress. But slowly and surely, the ork army
is starting to gain some momentum. It’s going to be tough trying to squeeze in some Chaos army
miniatures to the hobby timetable but priority has been set to building my son’s army.

If they ever make a Hollywood version of a Warhammer 40K movie, maybe they should hire Haley
Joel Osment to be an Imperial Guard with a line that goes “I see dead orks”. Cringe … ouch … lame I know … heh heh. =) =P

As always, I truly appreciate the support and comments. I leave you with a macro shot I was able to take while messing around with the Tamron lens.

Franky of One Piece fame


  1. Dude, your painting and photography skills have improved by leaps and bounds!! Well done. Love the step by step painting pics.

    Next target for you should be Golden Kris 2013 ;)

    1. You are much too kind Khairul. Thanks for the support from day one! By the way, congrats on your Golden Kris 2012 victory for your tank. Way to go! =)

      Heh heh ... Golden Kris 2013 ... would love to be a part of it ... but I guess have a ways to go before my miniatures would even be accepted as an entry. Nonetheless, looking at you guys' entries at this year's Golden Kris is certainly motivating me to work harder at imporving my painting skills.

  2. Dude! You are progressing on a very impressive pace =)
    And it seems that you did not leave any detail unpaint on ur ork boyz, salute!

    New camera huh? How many teef u gave to get this shiny?

    1. Thanks man! Not up to your standard yet ... may never reach there heh heh ... but I will be happy if I can keep on improving. Fingers crossed I can do that.

      Technically ... I only own the Tamron lens which costs slightly over 1,000 teef. Have been saving up for it for more than a year now ... with a break when I was "in between jobs" ... and its a must-have camera lens for this hobby. Its the cheapest on the market as far as I know. =)

      Its actually an Ork Nobz ... not sure if I can afford to maintain detailed painting for the Boyz cause that would mean I will never get the army done. And then there is my Chaos army ... sigh ... your fantastic plague marines is tempting me to take my plague marines out from their boxes and start work on them.

    2. I guess you should hold your chaos army just a little while longer, rumour on the interwebz says that new codex will be coming out in Aug (one week to go!!!!) or Sept... you can actually decide your army paint scheme after you browse through the new codex =p

      Should focus on ork now =) I painted some ork a while back, they are actually funner to paint compare to chaos, mainly because you can slap some bright color on 'em without lookin out of place, chaos is mostly dark red, black, dark blue, rinse and repeat... unless you are into emperor's children... =____,=
