
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Working with metal and painting better whites

Chaos Obliterator

Working with metal miniatures for the first time has been anything but a pleasant experience. I found it extremely difficult to glue the small minuscule weapon pieces to the Chaos Obliterator's arms. At times it felt like a hair-pulling exercise in frustration. Thankfully most metal miniatures are being slowly replaced by Game Workshop's Citadel Finecast. Nonetheless, it was good to work on the Chaos Black Legion army again having neglected my Chaos army for quite some time ... even if it was just to assemble and undercoat the model.

Chaos Obliterator ... my first and most likely last metal miniatures
Gluing the weapons on both arms was frustrating to say the least
With some modifications - most likely in the choice of colours - to the cool painting tutorial at Glued My Fingers, I hope to get both Obliterators painted as soon as possible, in between work on the Ultramarines and Orks.

Painting better whites

Based on advice by bloggers such as limp, vuel, snake88 and ron, I decided to alter the white painting process slightly to improve the smoothness of the whites and reduce chalkiness. Using Astronomican Grey as the basecoat, then washing it with Badab Black before painting Skull White in a couple of thin and watered down layers resulted in better looking whites.

Painting whites: First try (left), second try (right)
Painting more whites: First try (left), second try (right)
There is room for improvement, but that's solely due to my lack of skill. With three more Ultramarine Terminators to paint, I won't be short of practice so hopefully I will get better at painting the whites.

Other Ultramarine Terminators in various stages of completion

Progress on the Orks

Only managed to basecoat three out of the five Ork Nobz I have assembled from the Assault on Black Reach (AoBR) set and that's simply not good enough. With free time at a premium, I have to somehow find a more efficient way to paint up my son's Ork army faster. Short of 'sleep-painting' (heh heh ... wouldn't that be a sight for sore eyes), I am hoping experience will equal faster painting.

Front view of Ork Nobz - basecoats only
Back view of Ork Nobz - basecoats only
Outside of the AoBR Orks, I have 5 Ork Burnas and 5 Ork Lootas being lined up for assembly. Budget constraints seem to be turning the emerging Ork army to an infantry heavy one. Oh well, unless our local hobby stores start accepting Ork Teeth as payment, I guess it will have to do until more moolah comes my way.


  1. I try my best to steer clear from Metal minis, all the pinning and priming is too hardcore for me... but on the other hand, finecast is fragile like candle wax...(try drill a hole on finecast bolter, you'll get what I mean)

    ps: dead tree version of Void Stalker, GET!

  2. I'll be your opposite then..I absolutely love metal miniatures, and the satisfaction when you managed to complete the conversion of one, is awesome :)

  3. I think the white is coming along well. It takes practice and before you know it, you'll be telling everyone how easy it is to paint.

    Ron, FTW

  4. That is a good crispy white you achieve.
    My method is quiet similar, but a bit faster with same result.
    astronomicon grey -> badab black -> astronomicon grey -> skull white.

    Keep up the good work :)

  5. @me ... yep both have their pro and cons. If only there was a perfect material for miniatures.

    @ Vuel ... still not at the conversion stage yet. Looong way to go before I am at that level. =)

    @ron ... thanks for the encouragement! XD

    @Lord AK ... hmmm, might give your method a try since I haven't given my other two termies a wash yet.
