Before I started painting Game Workshop's Citadel miniatures, Japanese anime 'miniatures' were my passion. At first, I just collected fully-completed miniature figures from the various anime shows that I love. Eventually, I got interested in assembling and painting them, leading me to Luffy, of One Piece fame, and his motley crew of pirates and the ships they sailed in.
Luffy (right), seen here with two ship models from the anime One Piece |
Having gone through the arduous process of basecoating my Khorne Berzerkers this couple of weeks, I decided to revisit my anime 'miniatures' and see how I could apply some of the tools and techniques I had learnt while painting Citadel miniatures on Luffy's famous straw hat.
Pre-Citadel washes and paints
Early attempt at creating shadows |
Prior to my experience with
Citadel Washes, I had tried using a Gundam real touch marker to ink the shadowy recesses of Luffy's straw hat. Needless to say, it was a disaster and the end-result looked very artificial. Hence, I washed the gundam ink away with nail polish and tried again ... W40K style.
Post-Citadel washes and paints
Luffy's straw hat, painted using GW products |
Well, the new approach was successful ... in parts. The red band around Luffy's straw hat turned out kinda ok. It was basecoated with Mechrite Red, layered with Red Gore and highlighted with Blood Red. But the interplay between light and dark in the straw hat's weaving didn't turn out too well. My mistake was to apply the Devlan Mud wash onto the hat without basecoating it first. This caused the ink to stick onto the plastic hat in an inconsistent manner. Something to look out for in the future.
Compass to the world of Warhammer 40K
Other than a desire to
learn more about W40K lore, anime models also played an important part in piquing my interest in miniature painting techniques. Models in my One Piece collection range from being very much larger than Citadel miniatures ...
Attack of the Giant Pirate from Mars? |
... to being slightly smaller.
Itsy bitsy models |
It was the latter that forced me to look for painting techniques for small-scale models, which in turn led me to Games Workshop's webpost on miniature painting.
Anime I love
One Piece, Bleach, Naruto Shippuden, Soul Eater, Fairy Tail, Initial D etc count among the many anime that I love. But there are three that have managed to really pull at my heart-strings (I am an old softie after all). My wife also loves the first two. They are:
1. My Neighbour Totoro
2. K-On!
3. Welcome to the NHK