In the proverbial (and perennial) blink of an eye, the year is already fast approaching its end, and soon 2016 will be upon us. And while I haven't been active hobby-wise over these last few weeks, I've been taking stock of what I had done this past year and what I'll be doing in the coming one. So it's pertinent that my last blog post of the year starts with a recollection of what I've painted in 2015.
Miniature projects completed in calendar year 2015 |
I've never been much of 'quantity painter' with a miserable output of over 10 to 15 miniature painting projects completed over a period of 12 months. Adding salt to injury is the fact that I can't even claim to be a 'quality painter' as I have a ways to go before I hit the skill level I want to be at. Granted that this is an ever moving target so such a goal tends to be all about the journey rather than destination. Vincent van Gogh captures this sentiment in a quote attributed to him ...
If I do nothing, if I study nothing, if I cease searching, then woe is me, I am lost [cue John William's Binary Sunset score].
Board game miniature project transitioning into 2015 from 2014 |
Analysing what I have done over this past year and the latter half of last year, I guess it's safe to say I have made decent progress in the quality of some of my work though in the same breath some other projects had results which left a lot to be desired. Inconsistency is perhaps a hallmark of one trying to improve. Something to console myself with then, as I seek to paint (and
draw) better.
Miniature projects completed during 2H 2014 |
So what then lies in store for me next year? To date, the 2016 main project pipeline comprises the Nocturna Models Battle Chick and Crusader; the Knight Models Loki; the Dark Sword Miniatures Female Mage and Bard as well as Wood Elf Goddess; the Ax Faction Urban Monster Hunter; and last but not least a set of four Chaos Space Marines in an ode to the four Chaos gods.
A major portion of my work-in-progress miniature painting projects |
Work-in-progress miniatures shown at a slightly different angle |
An Ode to Chaos project should allow me to play with colour combinations I've always wanted to try out |
Then there is the half-assembled Knight Models Thor and the 'nearly completed paint job' House Martell Knight. The latter has been shelved indefinitely due to an unfortunate accident in which practically more than half to two-thirds of my Vallejo Model Color Light Orange was spilled onto the wet palette. Barely a quarter was salvageable because a huge portion fell on the worst possible colour on the palette ... black. The inset image in the second photo below doesn't do justice to what really happened as I had thrown most of the paint away by then. More to the point, this 'little' accident has totally dampened my mood for this particular
Game of Thrones miniature project. Time will heal they say so maybe after a cooling off period I won't feel so bad when I look at the said paint bottle.
Knight Models Thor, mostly assembled and soon-to-be primed |
A sad accident with one of my favourite Vallejo Model Color hues has put this project on hold indefinitely |
It has been a wonderful couple of weeks spent doing just the simple things with the family e.g. lazing around watching TV/movies and playing video games, window shopping and such. To cap it off, as I was putting the finishing touches to this final post of the
year, I was gifted with the most awesome ever early-Birthday present
from my wife and son. My birthday isn't even due for another
three-weeks-plus but this absolute modeller's dream of a gift means it
will be added to my project pipeline, heck ... bumped up the line even. As to what this gift is, all will be revealed in a future post.
What could the gift be? Let's just say it's something I've always imagined holding in my hands as a kid |
So there you have it. My last post of 2015. It needs to be said that the set of primed/assembled/half-painted miniatures you see above are not necessarily a comprehensive road map of what I'll be doing in 2016. The mystery birthday gift and many other ideas floating in my head will inevitably add to the pipeline provided I can make decent progress on the existing work-in-progress miniatures presently on my worktable. With that I bid you adieu and a Happy New Year!