After weeks of not painting, inertia had set in. And trying to get started again was awfully hard. Granted I was tired out after every work day but I was just clinging to every other excuse - watching TV, reading books, playing the latest video/PC games (Diablo 3 anyone?) - to not start painting.
Was I finally fed up with the hooby? Gork (ork pun intended) forbid, of course not! I guess I was just daunted at the huge array of miniatures I have yet to paint. It's easy to say a thousand miles begins with a single step ... yada yada ... but I still looked at my paint workstation with a measure of dread.
Well, I have finally managed to drag my lazy ass bum to the workstation and continue my work on the Ork Nobz from the Assault on Black Reach set. Managed to basecoat all five miniatures and give a combination wash of Badab Black and Devlan Mud. So next up will be the mid-tones.
Ork Nobz (Front view, progress so far) |
Ork Nobz (Back view, progress so far) |
The following is a detailed look at the miniatures before and after the wash.
Ork Nobz 1 (Basecoated, Before Wash) |
Ork Nobz 1 (Basecoated, After Wash) |
Ork Nobz 2 (Basecoated, Before Wash) |
Ork Nobz 2 (Basecoated, After Wash) |
Ork Nobz 3 (Basecoated, Before Wash) |
Ork Nobz 3 (Basecoated, After Wash) |
Ork Nobz 4 (Basecoated, Before Wash) |
Ork Nobz 4 (Basecoated, After Wash) |
Ork Nobz 5 (Basecoated, Before Wash) |
Ork Nobz 5 (Basecoated, After Wash) |
Just this week, I accidentally came across a magazine cum die-cast airplane model offer for just RM9.90 (US$3) at a local bookstore. It's one of those magazine/model publications that seems to be all the rage again in Malaysia and Singapore. Me ... I am not too much of a fan myself but when I saw the model on offer, it was just too good to pass. Moreover, it happened to be my all-time favourite airplane ... the Spitfire. Here are some pictures I took of it.
Guess I am back on the hobby track again, albeit at a slower pace. Hope to do more painting soon.