
Thursday, 27 October 2011

Waaagh! Meet Ugg and Ogg ...

Fnished painting the first two ork boyz today. They are essentially complete with perhaps some highlighting on the leather yet to be done. They are the first pair in a potential army of 40+ ork boyz horde.

For Ugg (picture, left) I tried my hand at battle damage on his helmet.

I also tried to do some bad moon markings on Ugg's right shoulder armour. It didn't come off too well as the wavy black flames were not consistent and were leaning in all directions.

Leather on the back still need some highlights but not too sure what to use on a calthan brown base. Did a bit of snakebite leather on the upper shoulder straps (not too noticebale in the picture) but it seemed too much of a contrast.

Footnote: One whole pot of goblin green was sacrificed in the making of Ugg and Ogg! Unfortunately for me, the paint was not used on them. Instead, through a freakish combination of clumsiness and lost of focus, I "catapulted" 2/3 of the paint in the pot up into the air and all over my hands AND then proceeded to drop the pot and lost almost all the remaining third of paint. My arms, hand and fingers were completely covered in green ... should have snapped a picture but was to angry at the time. =P

I have primed another 2 orks as a project for my son and me. They are both similar-looking so I guess it will be easier for him to follow my steps as I paint. Not too sure how to go about teaching him miniature painting as I am no expert myself. Moreover, he has the attention span of spongebob squarepants so it will be tough to get him to focus. =) If any of you guys have experience teaching young kids how to paint miniatures, any tips would be most appreciated.

These orks were primed before I got my hand of a can of citadel chaos black spray paint. I had used Krylon Fusion Spray Paint. but personally I was not too happy with the result as it seemed powdery. I guess it was due to the paint-plastic bonding process.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

First pair of Chaos Space Marines

Managed to get some work done on my Black Legion Army. Below is the first pair of space marines that are still work-in-progress but about 80% done. Have yet to place the Black Legion decal on the shoulder pads, put in the final highlights of the black armour, and base it.

Gold parts are a tad bright because I was too enthusiastic when highlighting with burnished gold. Plan to go easier on the bright highlights on later marines. But after some trail and error I kinda liked a mid-tone layer of 1:1:1 ratio of tin bitz:dwarf bronze:burnished gold, which I discovered from a tutorial on you tube - Black Legion Tutorial by GirlPainting

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Cool headlamp

Got a cool gift from the missus ... a headlamp! This little gizmo is making life so much easier when painting miniatures. I highly recommend it. Previously, I was struggling when painting at night as the flourescent lamp wasn't too effective and I was still saving up for an IKEA lamp. Well, this will have to do for now.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Painting cloth

I tried my hand at painting cloth today. Started off with a basecoat of 50:50 scorched brown:blood red ... gradually increased the blood red portion before a final highlight of blazing orange. Highlights didn't turn out too well as I found blazing orange difficult to work with.

Will need to work on finding out how to make the orange paint more consistent ie not too thick nor watery.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Traitors ... all of 'em

Finally got started on my Black Legion Chaos Space Marines. Have been busy with work so I have just managed to prime 5 minaitures, and do most of the basecoats for one of them. Gold parts look a bit dull cause its a 50:50 mix of scorched brown and dwarf bronze.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The first step

As the old saying goes, a thousand miles begins with a single step. Having finally taken the plunge into the the world that is Warhammer 40K, I must say I am enjoying the hobby greatly. I ain't no spring chicken, in fact I will be approaching my own mid-life crisis of sorts soon, but I say one is never too old to have a hobby involving miniatures. Kudos to Games Workshop and the Black Libray for having created such a wonderful world where there is only war.

Its only fitting that my very first miniatures be the Ultramarines. They are the first miniatures I have ever painted in my life so there is plenty of room for improvement.

Currently, I am also in the midst of painting two ork boyz. I have only managed basecoats and a wash. I have yet to paint the various layers of skin, armour etc as well as highlights, so more updates on that later.

These miniatures were suppose to be a practice run for me before I started painting an Assault on Black Reach (AOBR) set that I got for me and my son. But things don't always go as plan. I have been hijacked by the call of Chaos. Project AOBR is now officially on hold as I begin down the path of damnation.  =)  I will be posting progress updates on my Black Legion army as the days roll by ... feel free to comment and provide tips for this old dog thats trying to learn new tricks.